Statistics: 6 takes

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General game statistics of 6 takes

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 41 (43.62%) 53 (56.38%) 94 (0.31%)
English 4 006 (33.13%) 8 087 (66.87%) 12 093 (39.86%)
Español 436 (8.87%) 4 480 (91.13%) 4 916 (16.2%)
Français 786 (7.33%) 9 934 (92.67%) 10 720 (35.34%)
Italiano 51 (7.99%) 587 (92.01%) 638 (2.1%)
Português 244 (17.44%) 1 155 (82.56%) 1 399 (4.61%)
русский 84 (19.13%) 355 (80.87%) 439 (1.45%)
Srpski 1 (3.03%) 32 (96.97%) 33 (0.11%)
Total 5 649 (18.62%) 24 683 (81.38%) 30 332
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 320 (29.6%) 761 (70.4%) 1 081 (0.21%)
English 37 532 (26.7%) 103 018 (73.3%) 140 550 (27.52%)
Español 3 258 (2.79%) 113 517 (97.21%) 116 775 (22.87%)
Français 5 617 (2.57%) 212 734 (97.43%) 218 351 (42.76%)
Italiano 434 (3.71%) 11 259 (96.29%) 11 693 (2.29%)
Português 2 328 (15.98%) 12 241 (84.02%) 14 569 (2.85%)
русский 773 (10.49%) 6 598 (89.51%) 7 371 (1.44%)
Srpski 9 (3.83%) 226 (96.17%) 235 (0.05%)
Total 50 271 (9.84%) 460 354 (90.16%) 510 625

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~30 3388.1657.14244.92 981
~Rounds~510 680137.4961.84 12250 184
~RoundsInFinishedGames~205 19555.21386.51 65620 164

Approximatively 40.18% of the games are played to their end, while 59.82% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Poussinette: 92 624 rounds played
  2. rose35590: 32 526 rounds played
  3. malala: 25 971 rounds played
  4. Epic_Krrish: 14 036 rounds played
  5. Gaia: 11 915 rounds played
  6. Ryan_K : 10 742 rounds played
  7. Raki: 10 237 rounds played
  8. garis: 8 522 rounds played
  9. Price14: 8 058 rounds played
  10. Mayank : 7 900 rounds played
  11. Rincewind : 7 635 rounds played
  12. lagamine: 6 683 rounds played
  13. Marie-Claude: 6 534 rounds played
  14. josephmercado: 6 106 rounds played
  15. exatropic: 5 663 rounds played
  16. du30: 5 427 rounds played
  17. fifi69: 5 315 rounds played
  18. undertaker: 4 871 rounds played
  19. garden-lady: 4 655 rounds played
  20. Dauphinou41: 3 568 rounds played
  21. Naday: 3 534 rounds played
  22. mamidan: 3 446 rounds played
  23. Ryo-Bee: 3 429 rounds played
  24. Angelina-princess: 3 363 rounds played
  25. Lemonade: 3 339 rounds played
  26. vikttoria: 3 027 rounds played
  27. kurama: 3 010 rounds played
  28. Canadian.Donna: 2 907 rounds played
  29. doni_stef1: 2 904 rounds played
  30. tigresse: 2 684 rounds played

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