Statistics: Backgammon

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General game statistics of Backgammon

Last reset: Dec 24 2015 14:29:47

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 38 (6.47%) 549 (93.53%) 587 (0.07%)
English 216 596 (34.89%) 404 203 (65.11%) 620 799 (69.1%)
Español 6 076 (8.67%) 64 001 (91.33%) 70 077 (7.8%)
Français 7 999 (7.43%) 99 697 (92.57%) 107 696 (11.99%)
Italiano 12 686 (15.76%) 67 804 (84.24%) 80 490 (8.96%)
Português 1 864 (19.73%) 7 582 (80.27%) 9 446 (1.05%)
русский 516 (5.62%) 8 672 (94.38%) 9 188 (1.02%)
Srpski 56 (54.9%) 46 (45.1%) 102 (0.01%)
Total 245 831 (27.36%) 652 554 (72.64%) 898 385
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 38 (6.47%) 549 (93.53%) 587 (0.07%)
English 217 815 (35.09%) 402 984 (64.91%) 620 799 (69.1%)
Español 6 307 (9%) 63 770 (91%) 70 077 (7.8%)
Français 8 136 (7.55%) 99 559 (92.45%) 107 695 (11.99%)
Italiano 12 893 (16.02%) 67 597 (83.98%) 80 490 (8.96%)
Português 1 915 (20.27%) 7 531 (79.73%) 9 446 (1.05%)
русский 527 (5.74%) 8 661 (94.26%) 9 188 (1.02%)
Srpski 56 (54.9%) 46 (45.1%) 102 (0.01%)
Total 247 687 (27.57%) 650 697 (72.43%) 898 384

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~898 3852952 0658 851107 755
~Rounds~898 3842952 0658 851107 755
~RoundsInFinishedGames~898 3852952 0658 851107 755

Approximatively 100% of the games are played to their end, while 0% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. mehmetgubul: 23 969 games played
  2. isakayan: 14 558 games played
  3. vulcano: 13 586 games played
  4. mormenekse: 12 342 games played
  5. fenerbahce1907: 12 294 games played
  6. yesil: 11 183 games played
  7. tigresse: 10 069 games played
  8. sakinoyuncu: 9 661 games played
  9. hikmetkaradeniz: 9 318 games played
  10. lealtassoluta: 9 065 games played
  11. sefterhesenli: 8 427 games played
  12. arvin: 8 263 games played
  13. Tekinci: 7 662 games played
  14. pandov_86: 7 610 games played
  15. Sahib: 7 366 games played
  16. genti: 7 332 games played
  17. bursaliefee: 7 210 games played
  18. kamal: 6 946 games played
  19. fleurette: 6 828 games played
  20. zeki: 6 656 games played
  21. gunesin-kizi: 6 539 games played
  22. koky: 6 286 games played
  23. Fikret.amiloglu: 6 235 games played
  24. Casso: 6 211 games played
  25. dlbin: 6 148 games played
  26. Sarebear2487: 5 994 games played
  27. mahmutaksu: 5 585 games played
  28. Lorie: 5 407 games played
  29. globetrotteur: 5 406 games played
  30. kaya74: 5 393 games played

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