Statistics: Duck racing

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General game statistics of Duck racing

Last reset: Apr 5 2020 13:30:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
3 (100%) 0 (0%) 3 (0%)
Deutsch 6 (10%) 54 (90%) 60 (0.01%)
English 68 244 (36.14%) 120 596 (63.86%) 188 840 (30.35%)
Español 94 795 (39.64%) 144 336 (60.36%) 239 131 (38.43%)
Français 9 893 (20.85%) 37 556 (79.15%) 47 449 (7.63%)
Italiano 4 954 (17.01%) 24 176 (82.99%) 29 130 (4.68%)
Português 29 642 (33.91%) 57 765 (66.09%) 87 407 (14.05%)
русский 10 095 (36.52%) 17 549 (63.48%) 27 644 (4.44%)
Srpski 453 (17.63%) 2 116 (82.37%) 2 569 (0.41%)
Total 218 085 (35.05%) 404 148 (64.95%) 622 233
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
3 (100%) 0 (0%) 3 (0%)
Deutsch 6 (10%) 54 (90%) 60 (0.01%)
English 68 245 (36.14%) 120 596 (63.86%) 188 841 (30.35%)
Español 94 795 (39.64%) 144 336 (60.36%) 239 131 (38.43%)
Français 9 893 (20.85%) 37 556 (79.15%) 47 449 (7.63%)
Italiano 4 954 (17.01%) 24 176 (82.99%) 29 130 (4.68%)
Português 29 642 (33.91%) 57 765 (66.09%) 87 407 (14.05%)
русский 10 095 (36.52%) 17 550 (63.48%) 27 645 (4.44%)
Srpski 453 (17.63%) 2 116 (82.37%) 2 569 (0.41%)
Total 218 086 (35.05%) 404 149 (64.95%) 622 235

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~622 233420.22 94112 605153 464
~Rounds~622 235420.22 94112 605153 465
~RoundsInFinishedGames~622 233420.22 94112 605153 464

Approximatively 100% of the games are played to their end, while 0% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. murray.r: 6 645 games played
  2. Alien: 6 231 games played
  3. Docinho: 4 489 games played
  4. lucinda: 4 176 games played
  5. Elephant: 4 161 games played
  6. leticiacam29: 3 900 games played
  7. ToninhoAC7.2024: 3 515 games played
  8. rollenwin: 3 466 games played
  9. nguyenkhanhquoc: 3 389 games played
  10. RedHotCharliePepper: 3 360 games played
  11. toni: 3 227 games played
  12. floquinho123: 3 168 games played
  13. midomidomido: 3 121 games played
  14. Rodrigo.2019: 3 014 games played
  15. mogo: 2 918 games played
  16. Lucho139: 2 867 games played
  17. ogaloazul2: 2 864 games played
  18. Myketowers: 2 845 games played
  19. ali-osorio: 2 816 games played
  20. El_duquealcon: 2 770 games played
  21. vachette: 2 746 games played
  22. Mika: 2 637 games played
  23. elane_silva: 2 499 games played
  24. El-Emperador: 2 473 games played
  25. El-dibu-martinez: 2 468 games played
  26. Silvi: 2 433 games played
  27. norbeyo: 2 313 games played
  28. jonathan: 2 309 games played
  29. iamvladimir: 2 295 games played
  30. fredy10: 2 272 games played

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