The quarter finals of the uno tournament

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1. Marina,

Hey everyone!
So today we had the elimination round, congratulations to all those who made it to the quarters, and Good luck for tomorrow!
It will be day 4 of the tournament, and the last one which will anounce the winner! Sunday 9th, same time: 5:00pmgmt which is 9:00am western, 11:00am central and 12:00pm eastern. 6:00pm central europe and egypt, 7:00pm Middle east and eastern europe, 8:30pm iran and finally 9:30pm in india.
The matchups are based on what OneNOnlyKrrish explained in his previous post. And it will be as the following:

First semifinal Match formed by the quarter final matchs:
1. Mogosog VS EstrellaVega
2. Guliwer Vs Basket
Second semifinal match formed by the quarter final matchs:
3. KeyWasFull Vs H-M-C-Z
4. Everything Vs JScholes

note: The winner of match 1 will play the winner of match2. The winner of Match 3 will play the winner of match 4.
Then to form the finals: The winner of (the first semifinals) will play the winner of (the second semifinals)!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me or OneNOnlyKrrish
Please be on time and best of luck!

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Marina, Aug 9 2015 01:19:33

2. YNWA,

this message was in the wrong place so has been removed?

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von YNWA, Aug 9 2015 01:31:11

3. filibuster ,

I'd just like to inform you that your time zones are behind an hour. Greenwich Mean time is currently four hours ahead of my location, and I am in the USA eastern time zone.

~msgScore~: +0

4. Epic_Krrish,

Well we had some fantastic matches in the eliminations round, now looking forward for the Final day! Some good match ups are lined up so i hope the participants will turn up on time. Good luck to who all those who made it to the top 8!
Regards Krrish

~msgScore~: +0

5. Marina,

hey, regarding the time zones, thanks for stating that but I think it's right, I wasn't also sure if gmt is a stable time, or it's variable do to daylight saving, but I remember someone told me it does change, so however, I mean UK time

~msgScore~: +0

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