Uno league: Matches for conference 2, week 7 (January 30th, 9 A.M Eastern, 2 P.M GMT

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1. the-raven ,

Table 1:

  1. Estrellavega and The-Raven.
  2. The-Raven and Mandy2011.
  3. Mandy2011 and Claudiu.
  4. Estrellavega and Claudiu.
  5. The-Raven and Mogosog.
  6. Kensei and Mogosog.
  7. Kensei and Mandy2011.
  8. Mandy2011 and Mohammad.Aldalain.
  9. StarringLikeUnited and Mandy2011.

Table 2:

  1. Mandy2011 and Arial15.
  2. Denizbaykal and Fawaz.
  3. Fawaz and Arial15.
  4. Jeff-Rutkowski and Arial15.
  5. Denizbaykal and Jeff-Rutkowski.
  6. Pika-San and Mohammad.Aldalain.
  7. Mohammad.Aldalain and StarringLikeUnited.
  8. StarringLikeUnited and The_Heart_Of_Lion.
  9. The_Heart_Of_Lion and Pika-San.

Imthechampraki has a day off this week. Randomrob has been replaced by Mandy2011.

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2. Exink,

Guys, a question: why should I play thrice? Is it due to the previous lost matches? Thanks!

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Zuletzt geändert von Exink, Jan 28 2016 05:00:59

3. Raki,

I think it has to do with the new players coming into our confrince from confrince 3, we'll all have to play some extra matches now.

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4. the-raven ,


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5. EstrellaVega,

Hey, but i've played with you, The-raven...

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6. the-raven ,

I know you're gonna play against
everyone twice

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7. Epic_Krrish,

Hey guys there won't be any conference 1 matches this week , please be informed and inform your friends . We will resume conference 1 again next week with the inclusion with some players from conference 3, till then regards.

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8. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Should I be ready to play at 8:00 or 9:00 AM central time?

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9. the-raven ,

9 AM Eastern

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