Thanks Aminiel

21 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: -2

1. ikramy,

all users of the QuentinC PlayRoom, please join me to thank Aminiel for the wonderful job he is doing. it is really a terrific client, as we all spend nice times there and have alot of fun with it.

keep up the excellent work

~msgScore~: +0

2. Burak,

Thank you!

~msgScore~: +0

3. fatih ,

thanks for this exelent client!

~msgScore~: +0

4. darklord ,

Yes, Thank you for the playroom!!!

~msgScore~: +0

5. Lenka,

playroom is great!

~msgScore~: +0

6. Pantalaimon,

Mmm... Playroom... :D
Love the chess game. Thank you for making that (and of course all the other games too).

Best regards


~msgScore~: +0

7. Lenka,

Could you delete statistics of games?

~msgScore~: +0

8. Aminiel,

Could you delete statistics of games?

Why ? Is it because you are a loser ha ha ha ha aaAAaaAA ?

~msgScore~: +3

Zuletzt geändert von Aminiel, Sep 23 2011 23:38:43

9. bob-de-huisbaas,

no, she did win about 10 times from me with monopoly. lol

~msgScore~: +0

10. Mortem,

Thank you for making this wonderfull playroom! I love the game 1000 miles the most.

~msgScore~: +0

11. sweet_selena_2000,

really, playroom is grate, and sitaaa, your suggestion is very, very simple!

~msgScore~: +0

12. stanito2000 ,

yeahhhhhhhh I love all games! I know all about the playroom! I can play all and I think it's very nice, there I found very super friends! I love and administrators and all my friends! Continue to make a new versions and features and games! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von stanito2000 , Feb 6 2014 11:54:30

13. sukil,

True, this topic is an excellent idea. Thanks Aminiel and all the team behind this fantastic playroom (including the other admins and of course the translators).

~msgScore~: +0

14. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

We are all still greatfull for your work. Thanks bro

~msgScore~: +0

15. Naday,

Thanks Aminiel.

~msgScore~: +0

16. Aayushi_the_explorer,

thank you for such a great platform! its just wonderful! I loved it and recommended it to my friends and cousins. they also loved the site when I showed on my phone. mostly they want to join the pr. nice to bond with people. Also we should also thank nikola for the support and help for any douts, game explanations and replys to all topics. Its a lot of effert and understanding.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Aayushi_the_explorer, May 20 2024 15:54:17

17. GeorgeWu,

Thanks for this great client I like it. Keep up the good work.
There is always room for improvements.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von GeorgeWu, May 21 2024 23:52:50

18. sound2,

We always thank him, lol.

~msgScore~: -2

19. GeorgeWu,


~msgScore~: -2

20. unolover,

thanks fore making a grat gameing platform I love it

~msgScore~: +0

21. medhansh,

thanks to the developer of this game, this playroom is really exciting. only thing to add is any strategy based war or any empire based games like lords and knites.

~msgScore~: +0

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