An available fps

27 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

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1. george,

Hello guys, I played some first person shooters, since few months I'v stopped, but now I want to do that again. But I don't find any shooter available, redspot is closed, as I know, tk also, citymass, ultrapower too. Do you know a functional on-line fps?

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2. Mazdak ,

The only option in my mind is fire fight, though I don't also play it for some technical reasons, hoping that they solve it in the next update, but if still anyone knows such shooting or surviving games, please let us know.

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3. george,

EYah, thanks, can you give me a link or a web source where I can find this game?

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4. Mazdak ,

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5. george,


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6. FloydLawton,

there's swamp and firefight, also rtr.
sc games aren't fps

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7. george,

I dont know rtr, or i dont rember, can you tell me all it's name to search it?

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8. bloodsharp , is rtr

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9. FloydLawton,

it's now.
road to rage

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10. george,

A, I know this game, i have ackount and stuff, but there is no available server. Tell me please an available server from that list.

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11. Mohammedradwan2003,

visit and go to rtr heden, download sounds, enter ip and ports and boom

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12. ImperialShocktrooper,

hey guyys, do you know how to swich rtr from online to ofline mode?

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13. george,

Hey, i downloaded swamp and undeadassault. Both games have a problem, when I launch the executable file, it appears an error which says that one file isn't exist or is invalid.

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14. Nikola,

RTR does not have an offline mode in the latest version. About swamp, run checkup.exe to register VB components. Undead assault as far as I know is no longer up, but even if it is we need exact errors and not guesswork to know what is up with your game.

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15. george,

thanks, but what do you say about that:
Swamp dialog Run-time error '52':

Bad file name or number

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16. Nikola,

Did you run the checkup file? If yes, make sure that your archive is not corrupted or something like that. It should normally work. What Windows is it?

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17. george,

I did all correct thanks, but with rtr is strange, I downloaded all things I need from the bsg website, but it appear's that it's impossible to connect, is rtr abbandoned?

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18. Nikola,

The game is abandoned as the guy is working on a new game. However, that does not mean you cannot connect. Everybody can make their own server and you can connect to any server currently working.

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19. george,

ah, thank you. I connected on the bsg server, please guys, who knows what should I do for swamp after check up, because it doesn't works, let me know.

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20. ImperialShocktrooper,

i'm not sure. But, i have the same problem

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21. bloodsharp ,

download the patch, then coyp and replace the files in there

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22. ImperialShocktrooper,


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23. george,

Anyways, you must pay in order to play on-line.

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24. bloodsharp ,

yep, it is only 20 dollars a year though

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25. ImperialShocktrooper,

yeah once i get a gamer acount then i'll finally play swamp.

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26. CathyAnne,

Well, I am afraid to play swamp because it too far above what i am able to do.

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27. Vojvoda ,

=4.10. Come on people find some other topic

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