what does arcade mode mean?

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~msgScore~: +0

1. TanThetaIsSinThetaByCosTheta,

hay guys.
So today, i was messing around with qc, and accidentally pressed ctrl shift del in menu list. it then said this:
Arcade mode
I tried pressing things but hurd nothing what so ever so i pressed it again and it went to its normal menu list.
So i want to know whether its a feature in progress, or something which was planned then cancelled or what. haven't seen info about this anywhere.
thanks in advance

~msgScore~: +0

2. StormProductions,


For me, this just makes the window empty with "Arcade Mode" on the left corner of the screen.
Good question, it's the first time I hear about this thingy.

~msgScore~: +0

3. Nikola,

Hello. For the 6 years of Playroom in 2016, there was a special event in French where the arcade mode was used. It had several minigames to play, similar to crazy party, Simon I believe and maybe the math games. This was a new feature in progress, but was later abandoned. I am not sure if it will ever come back, perhaps in v 3? Sadly we in the English part never experienced how it works.

~msgScore~: +0

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