About your country

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1. kost-rizh2014,

Tell about your countries. That would be very interesting.
Thank you!

~msgScore~: +0

2. Slavista,

What do you want to know exactly?

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3. marmarmar,

For me the first post means tell anything about your country you wouldn't mind telling.
If I wasn't blind, I'd move from Polant to Slovakia, because our government does very little to help blind people.
A simple example: markings on roads just get covered in snow in Winter.
I would like to go to Poprad, where my father's brother lives and see if it's better there.

~msgScore~: +0

4. godfather,

what do you mean marksings. do they have special markings that help you detect? or the usual. because if that's something special they are doing, then you're lucky they do that at all, bro

~msgScore~: +0

5. Onisama,

Interesting, I just found you kost-rizh2014 here too, hahaha.

So, I have a question, how do you all do in winter? In my country doesn't snow, so I can't imagine how dificult should be walk around with everywhere covered with snow.

How do you solve this issue?

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Onisama, May 21 2020 21:41:53

6. marmarmar,

The markings are dots or lines that are meant to notify you about something, like an edge of a platform at railroad stations or just turns in roads or streets.
I can only count on a single teacher. She told me that if I go through a specific route over and over again, I will have its picture in my mind.
When that route is covered in snow, I should be able to count steps or figure distances between navigational aids, like a specific gate, end of a house's wall, leaves of trees etc.
My teacher is right about all things mentioned above, but what to do if I miss an aid?
I asked that question myself but I didn't meet her since then.
I think remembering navigational aids won't work 100 percent of the time, so I will think about ana lternative idea.

~msgScore~: +0

7. ElCamareroDesencamaronilizado ,

hi, i'm from colombia, and i think we have many interesting things...
but for example accesivility is not one of that, it is really bad in all country, except maybee the capital, bogotá.
Our dear goverment is just a honest goverment, like all the latin american goverments... that are the most honest goverments, that have the most honest politicians on the world.
That's why they don't help blind people, or another people in a bad situation, just like coronavirus... really, they don't help you never, why they'll help you now, when you aren't inportant for them?

~msgScore~: +0

8. marmarmar,

That means you atleast don't have to deal with snowy weather.
Maybe I should stick to the navigational aids solution when walking through snowy areas.
Thanks to global warming, the winters have become much less harsh recently.
I should be happy about that, but that in turn means hotter summers.
I have to wait until corona virus is dealt with. I hope to meet my teacher again.

~msgScore~: +0

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