Original attitude to multi player audio games

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1. majoz,

Hello everyone!
I've been wondering about this for quite some time while going through the new releases room discussion forum on AG. This topic is, as I think, a bit tricky to start, and is mainly intended for those of you who like to play action based games, games from the first person mode, or RPGs. In fact, the topic is not too much complex. I've been working on a project for quite some time, and kept it available only for my friends and coleagues who are helping me. Along the way, we've discovered that the audio gaming community has gotten a bit stuck in the way of original game ideas and attitudes. I've been also discussing things related to gaming with my sighted brother, and discovered that many of the techniques that are traditionaly found in games for sighted people, are still hidden to us. Therefore, I'd like to ask publicly, for all of your opinions. I know there are many single player games that combine the roleplay, that are also based on the first person view, and have some real nice sounds. But what about the multi player games? I've watched the AG for quite some time, and have to point out, while not directing this to anyone, that the game devs have somewhat ran out of ideas. What is your opinion about this? What action based games would you like to see in the future? Do you prefer games with a goal, or games that are basicaly endless? Would you like to see some multi player games, where people teamwork, and use the strengths of their characters while covering the weaknesses of characters belonging to their teammates? Would you ever like to engage in a multi player RPG game with a progressive storyline?
Thanks for all your ideas and points of view in advance, I appreciate them.
Have a great day!

~msgScore~: +0

2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I am as well working on a new project, though sadly BGT doesn't help too much in regards to handling serious network usage and reliable data sending.
I tried to think AutoIt3 in combination with BGT might make something but it all loops back to Python, so not considering this step yet.
Anyway, I think the only game idea we lack is the idea that hasn't been made yet. All games we've had in the past were not even cloning a mainstreem game, but rather they were trying , and just trying to clone.
So as much complicated as this sounds, I might recommend you to start with cloning something like PubG, it doesn't have to be similarly the same, but just a clone. And carefully, clone isn't something bad. Because it doesn't mean stealing other's code, it just means having an already existing game concept.
If you have the means to program well, and assure yourself of doing so, go ahead. If this sounds complicated to you, then I guess your only way is to figure out how to build an FPS, and trust me, eitherways it will not be different than other games, the only exception is that you'll put your fingerprints into it. Since our community now doesn't have a game to go for, you can expect an ever growing audience as soon as your project goes out.
If you are planning to build an FPS games and lacking considerations, I would suggest that you add survival methods. And not just to fight then die and respawn. Make it so you can gain experience based on your strength and vice versa. You should go for your own food, and other materials.
Make arenas system where people can make one and invite certain number of players to battle against in order to stop item inflation and strong attacks against newbies. Though you can't know what you will be adding until you have designed your game template and figured it out very well how to do more complicated stuff when they are suggested to you in the future.

~msgScore~: +0

3. majoz,

Hey, thanks for your reply. At the first place, I haven't been talking about code languages, but more likely about the ideas and techniques that are missing in todays mp audio games. I need to say though, that bgt doesn't do as bad in network communication as everyone thinks. I have been experimenting with it for quite some time, and discovered some interesting facts. Anyway, the ideas you mentioned have gone through my mind as well. Mostly, I am lacking teamwork and some roleplay in the games that are currently present. That's something I'd like to change, and this is why I have started this topic. I don't know if people are even interested in games that share these aspects, and that's the other reason why this topic is here. Anyway, thanks once more for your post.

~msgScore~: +0

4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Nothing to thank for!
So I think there are a couple points that need to be addressed here. Which, are actually a good concept starting position. Should the player die an respawn, or should the game have an objective.
Put what you already knew from playing games into your project, come up with a storyline of your imagination that includes the mechanics you've encountered throughout playing several games that you liked.
I think the main goal would be the following:
Village protection. You and your teammates , are a set of a clan. Your village is all what you have. It has a farm where you get your food and plant them, waiting for time and seasons to grow up, and crafting materials such as wood, clay or getting silver from experience points from killing animals or taking down other's villages to strengthen your own village. Then you can find other villages to attack or own, which will be named by your clan name. I know this is the basic concept to see whether you like it, because this is a mix of spawn and die, and stay alive. It is inbetween both, or maybe not even related to both.
If this idea sounds well just tell me, and we will go ahead with more questions to set it up.

~msgScore~: +0

5. wolfi,

I agree with you 100%, the games have gotten boring and seem like they are all the same.
An online rpg with a team and friends playing together and doing thigns together in a team is always cool, just a different type of action game in general.
We have been working on ideas and projects ourselves, & i do know people who are quit skilled, If you need help with anything please pm me and maybe we can try to work something out.

~msgScore~: +0

6. Alan1003,

oh survive the wild good rpg really fun.

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7. phoenix009,

I personally have loved the idea of Undead assault.

I'd love if we could have a game like that, but more versatile.

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8. Alan1003,

oh sounds fun.

~msgScore~: +0

9. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I would go for a game that intends to clone a mainstreem game. I would say, put whatever you hear from sighted people into your games as in a blind version

~msgScore~: +0

10. Alan1003,

kind of like, audio call of duty, mind craft, roblox, or fort night?

~msgScore~: +0

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