Week 9, Uno league results

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Score: +0

1. Fawaz,

Hey everyone,
here the results of week9 of the Uno league, number of matches of all I didn't mention is 27.
adventure-time, 23.
mayank, 22.
marina7, 21.
yazan, 20, (28 matches)
everyone, 19, (26 matches)
guliwer, 18.
dalibor, 18.
midomidomido, 15.
bastibasti, 15.
nikola, 15.
extecy girl, 15.
fawaz, 15 (28 matches)
keywasful, 13, (26 matches)
magicalkrrish, 13.
flavyanu, 13.
waternymph, 11.
il_bell_ragazzo, 10.
policeman1, 9.
angelina-princess, 9.
claudiu, 9.
me-me, 8.
trixabella6666, 7.
badgirl, 6.
cristina, 3.

Score: +0

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