The Playroom and its future

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31. sunny,

Hey Aminiel, This is Sunny from Pakistan. I didn't know who was the developer of this outstanding platform till today when i read your post. I am here on the Playroom for more than five years now. I remember i created an account on this platform way back in April 2011 when there were around half a dozen games. I was an infrequent user till the end of 2015 when i started using it more frequently, and I can say that QuentinC playroom is my best friend in my spare time. I can't thank you enough ffor your tireless work for all of us. And I would like to wish you best of luck for finding a job. I can't believe that a person as talented as you doesn't have a job.

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31 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Go back to topic list

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