7 years of Playroom

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Score: +2

1. Aminiel,

Hello all,

7 years ago, your favorite gaming platform was started for the firs time on a small and modest server. At the time, there was only a single game and one could count the number of players on the hands of the administrator team.
It was the beginning of our great adventure; the one which, since that time, fill us with wonder as much as you.

There was quite a lot of adventure: thousends of bugs, capricious and even phantom connections, only half-working new games, and a version 1 quite limited.

Then the small and unruly baby grew and progressively became a child and a teenager: version 2 came up, solid teams of administrators, translators, helpers and quiz validator-corrector have been formed, connections statilized, many new games have appeared, we became an international and multilingual phenomenon; and then also came the forum, private messages and the tournaments.

It makes 7 years today that everything began. Is the playroom now an adult?
One could easily think so: if the activity of the players never stopped and even still grows day after day, the central core of the nest seem on its side to have fallen quite asleep these last two years.

Asleep? Really?
In fact, no, not at all!

If there are no breaking news today, it's not because we felt asleep on our laurels; really not!
No, no, the central core of the nest doesn't sleep. Even if they stay quite discreet, a few precursory signs shouldn't fool you. In truth, since several weeks now, we are bubbling in excitement!

However, instead of proposing you something that isn't totally finished, full of bugs and that may leave you on your hunger, as we already could have done it more or less cluncily in the past, this time we have decided to wait.
When the time come, when we are ready to present you true news, will then come the great event of all delights. At the moment though, it appears to us that it's far too early.

Seven years, age of reason? Wouldn't be that age at which we accept finally to wait for the right moment, instead of falling childishly under the day of all whimes?

Happy birthday and long live the playroom.

Score: +0

2. Mazdak ,

Happy birthday Playroom!

Score: +0

3. Heavy_metal_pirate ,

happy birthday, playroom. My best wishes at my name and at my community, the spanish one

Score: +0

4. Lemonade,

Woo, happy birthday!

Score: +0

5. Nikola,

Happy birthday to the playroom, and huge thanks to Aminiel for making this platform, and to all staff members for keeping it as clean as possible. I've spend a lot of time on it, and it shortly became one of the first programs I install on my PC. Patiently waiting for more news, and let's see what will happen.

Score: +0

6. Vojvoda ,

Happy birthday playroom. And huge thanks thanks thanks to our only one Aki Aminiel for making something so great. I am proud of my Switzerland.

Score: +0

7. bloodsharp ,

i really like pr too

Score: +0

8. MuhammadHajjar,

Happy birthday playroom, and thanks to all of those who were working on this great platform.

Score: +0

9. YNWA,

Congratulations on the 7 years and hope there is many more years to come. I have been here for 5 of those years, Not sure when the English part came but I was not one of the first there. Fortunately some good friends of mine passed it on and I am pleased they did. Have no glass of Champaign so cheers, perhaps one of the bots drank it when celebrating!

Score: +0

10. Exink,

Happy birthday Playroom! At least today it's still September 8th. and I can't wait to see the good news here, if I have understood the message! Kind regards and let's keep making a great platform, even better than what is now!

Score: +0

11. Sadashi ,

Happy day, playroom.

Score: +0

12. bogdanmuresan,

Happy birthday playroom. I remember the moment when it was translated into English. It was for the first time when I heard about 1000 miles and it was so amazing.

Score: +0

13. Angelina-princess,

Yo, happy birthday to the playroom. I've been here more than 3 years ago and it has really brought a lot of fun to me. Many thanks for your hard work to create a great place for us Aminiel.
Congratulations and long-lived the playroom!

Score: +0

14. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Happy birthday Playroom, and thanks to Aminiel and the administration team for keeping it up to the successfulness. I have mixed a part of my playroom with my life uncontrollably, and so it has brought me too much things that may or may not be said, but thank you for all the hard work you have done, I wish you all the best and I can't wait for the surprise.
Thank you all, friends and everybody over here, for being warm-hearted and for making a place for us to have more appreciative and precious friendships, and for generally filling our time with fun when we actually needed to play or to chat, all of you, whoever you may be!

Score: +0

15. Mayana,

Happy birthday pr!

Score: +0

16. HeadphoneJack,

Heppy birthday to playroom, and hope that more and more years of this awsom platform!

Score: +0

17. Cristina ,

Happy birth day playroom!

Congratulations Aminiel and many thanks for creating us this great platform where we could and still can enjoy playing all the games what you have brought here, we met a lot of people from all over world and still meet new people, we had and still have a lot of fun looking at all what it is happening in every day on playroom, good or less good, it still can be called fun.

I've joined on here since more than six years and i truly believe that your great idea to create that small and modest server which has become such an awesome platform as it is now, it had brought much entertainment, nice feelings for some of us, as long as some players did met first time on the playroom, then in real and even ended up marrying each other.

I love playroom and am very happy with it. During all those seven years of it existence, my life was somehow influenced by the experiences what I had and still have on here.

I can state very convinced that my life would be quite boring without all what it is today playroom.

Cheers and wish it, long live playroom!

Score: +0

18. Slavista,

Oh, happy birthday, playroom... I spend almost 6 years with you and these years were great... So i hope in more years spend together... :D

Score: +0

19. rockstar2013,

A very happy birthday to the playroom, the first online multi-player gaming platform I was introduced to by the AudioGames.net site. Since then, there have been a lot of changes, and new games have appeared. So far, I've found this platform to be the only multilingual community, at least to the best of my knowledge. I'll be waiting for the big news to come, and let's see what happens next.

Score: +0

20. policeman1,

Yo birthday boy wish you happy 7th year in 2017! can bring more inventions! and keep up the hard work!.

Score: +0

21. neenee85,

I know this is late, but happy Birthday to the playroom!

Score: +0

22. mohammedradwan9564,

happy birth day to playrom, i an here from 2 years this is first online game witch i played and helped me to do new friends, the first was muhammad hajjar and yousuf katab then i stayed on until i arrived .
and thanks for akk adnubustratirs fir diubg tgus giid ganes fir us
and thanks for all helpers

Score: +0

23. play_romania1,

Hi, sorry for that I'm latter, but happy birthday to the playroom.

Score: +0

24. Areyana,

lots of cheers! happy happy birth day as much as ever .. giving to PR i have been here for six years with many fun and friends!sorry for delay but my best wish even for 70 years forward!

Score: +0

25. bloodsharp ,

happy birthday playroom

Score: +0

26. play_romania1,

Lol. The birthday of 7 years was in 08.09.2017 or other so I thing that was that, or other date.

Score: +0

27. Nikola,

What is that supposed to tell? Like we can't see the date of the original post.

Score: +0

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