Easter surprise !

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1. Aminiel,

Hello everybody,

With a slight delay, the easter rabbit visited us on the Playroom.

Beside eggs in black chocolate we particularely like in the team, just like some others prefer white ducks, two news of great importance appeared:

  • Rummy got an important lifting, and proposes now several new options to give you more various games: three game modes (traditional, normal and challenge); manipulation of combinations already on the table similarly as the plastic tiles version of the game is like; a new combination type, identities; artificial intelligence of bots which improved a lot; and of course the usual old bug-fixing session. For more information, you can look at the update summary page and the rules, which have been updated as needed.
  • The Playroom is enriching with the addition of a new language, German ! From now on, you will indeed be able to play your favourite game in Goete's, William Tell's and Einstein's language. At the moment, the website, the windows client, and six games are translated, rest will progressively arrive. Applauses and a great thank to Mario, who is already working a lot since some time to allow us this release.

Enjoy these news, and don't eat too much chocolate !

See you soon for new adventures.

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, Apr 24 2014 06:29:10

2. paddy,

Is it possible to help translating the gameroom fully into German? I could help translating, for example the little exam. Also, I could help translating the manuals, to translate it faster.

Score: +0

Last edited by paddy, May 29 2014 21:04:30

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