Recruiting helpers

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1. Aminiel,

Hello all,

In relation with the recent problems and hot topics of these days, wE are looking for helpers, who would be ready to help us in doing a certain number of tasks :

  • Regularely watch discussions at tables and ensure that there is no abuses according to the rules; prevent abuses from happening whenever possible
  • Warn abusers, ban them if needed for a short period of time, and alert us for more grave cases
  • Answer to questions and abuses reports of regular users send via F4 key, and help those having difficulties using or installing the playroom

We need someone who :

  • is regularely connected on the playroom
  • is honnest, serious, and can work in team
  • is sufficiently eased with computers to comfortably use the playroom client, has no big problem navigating on the web, and is able to write very simple commands in the chat box. Don't be afraid, you don't have to know programming or that sort of thing and technically speaking, what you have to do isn't very complicated
  • can write and speak french sufficiently well to ahve relatively comfortable discussions with us. We insist on being able both in writing and orally, as we sometimes discuss on skype. Don't worry, you don't have to be an expert or be absolutely perfect, just be comfortable enough.

If you think that you can help us and wish to apply, write us an e-mail in french using the contact page. Introduce yourself briefly, explain what are your motivations and what can you / would you do to help us in making the playroom a lovely place.

We would like you to write in french, so that we can see how far we can understand you and the communication with us could be possible. WE aren't ready to make all communication in english, our team isn't good enough at and isn't eased enough at english to ensure proper communication; that's why we want to communicate in french.

This topic will remain open if you have questions, but don't post here if you want to apply. WE take only applications by e-mail.

Please don't machine translate your message using google translate, it's useless, you would be caught and discarded immediately. Same if you write to us and only say "I want to be a modo" without any other argumentation.

If you have friends who don't read the forum, but might be good candidate, don't hesitate to spread the word around you.

We hope that we will find valuable people soon.
Thank you very much for your help.

The playroom team

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2. Raki,

Wow, this is a great initiative by you guys.
I wish you the best of luck in this process.

How much French does the applicant need to know, If he or she will have to carry a conversation with you guys on Skype, then I suppose it will have to be quite a lot?
Doesn’t it narrow it down a little, because not many people speak French on the English server?
But I guess if you guys aren’t comfortable talking in English then, there’s no choice in the matter.

Also, I suggest to do a vote of some sort after you guys cut down the candidates to a few people.

The best of luck!

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3. Aminiel,

How much French does the applicant need to know, If he or she will have to carry a conversation with you guys on Skype, then I suppose it will have to
be quite a lot?
Doesn’t it narrow it down a little, because not many people speak French on the English server?
But I guess if you guys aren’t comfortable talking in English then, there’s no choice in the matter.

Not necessarily. We can also a little english. Simply, if in writing it's fairly okay, orally we aren't very comfortable, and it's mandatory to explain what to do and how it works at least once orally. It's not easy for us, and that's why we want to ensure our process and want someone who can speak a little french.

In fact, we would need just one person who can speak french quite comfortably. He/she will act as a communication bridge between us, and, ultimately, the rest of the english team he/she will help us to form.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Sep 14 2014 09:18:46

4. afrim,

Woah! this is a great option offered to us. I can't apply because I don't speak french, and also the school is going to start tomorrow here and I cannot be connected. If there would be any option to allow people who do not speak french, next holidays or next summer I would be glad to moderate a part of the server 12 hours a day or even more.
But few people speak french and there should be another option for those who speak fluently English.
Good luck to this initiative. You are doing a great job.
Good luck!

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Last edited by afrim, Sep 14 2014 12:10:45

5. queen-angel ,

I love the rapid approach to the solution solving aspect of this problem and I do hope this system will ultimately bring about some peace of mind and restore some of the former peace in the pr. You stated in your previous post that even the Spanish pr holds a number of reports where cyber abuse is concerned. therefore it can be safely assumed that the other sides of the playroom would hold a number of problems also and so it would be best to allow the opportunity to be open where persons, being honest, knows a little french and one or a number of these other languages and are hence regularly connected to the pr be given the opportunity to qualify for the Mod position. You said that most of you are not quite qeen with English-speaking especially orally, so then what is the role of your English-staff? Shouldn't you have at least one person who is able to speak both English and French fluently and hence able to mediate? I know of such persons who are best for the job, but as I stated before it would be wise to hold positions for moderation in all aspects of the pr and not only limit it to us, the English pr. If not to cure the prolems occurring with the Spanish, Italian and other servers, then to prevent such conflicts rampant in the playroom. Also just to briefly notify you, this implementation may just help increase the quality of the pr. As I mentioned in one of my messages to the opperators, there are a number of errors in the English translations in the pr. While they may seem insignificant to the average user, it shows little effort and professionalism. Having fluently speaking/ writing persons in English to rectify this would be greatly appreciated.
best regards,

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Last edited by queen-angel , Sep 14 2014 14:23:31

6. dalglish7 ,

From what you have said Aminiel is very good and it is to be welcomed and I do agree with you that the Mods leader does need to have a good knowledge of French so you can train them plus 1 or 2 others in a language that you are more comfortable with. When everything is up and running those Mod leaders that are selected can train people to be mods too. The Mods they select may have a better knowledge of English but have no or little knowledge of the French Language.

You can never expect things to be perfect but least there is a system that will stop the more blatent infringement of the rules that causes a lot of problems for the majority of the users of the playroom.

I don't agree that there should be some form of election to decide who become the leaders as I am sure that the people who run the playroom will look for the most suitable candidates at their disposal.

I would still like to se the removal of Subjects for free tables as that is one area nobody has control of especially as a number of messages are insulting messages for all and sundry for to see. This is not good for the image of the playroom. Once the Mods have been sorted out they can be braught back.

All I can do now is wish you good luck in the selection process!

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Last edited by dalglish7 , Sep 14 2014 15:28:04

7. Sportsoholic ,

Since it seems to me that the majority of issues occur on the English side of the playroom, the order of operations would be to first recruit French and English speaking moderators to deal with the issues on the English side, just as Aminiel has done, then, to recruit people to moderate the language portion with the next most offenders. Therefore, the priority to recruit for each language portion of the playroom would be based on problem severity.

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8. queen-angel ,

prvention is better than cure.

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Last edited by queen-angel , Sep 14 2014 17:49:00

9. afrim,

I myself believe that people before being chosen as moderators or candidates must have some qualities that best suit what we all are in need of.
One of the qualities in my opinion, is that people who have conflicts or are well-known for insulting and offending other people occasionally mustn't be allowed to be part of the moderation team.
And also, I would add that people under 18 shouldn't participate on the process of becoming a moderator.
Good luck on this great job.

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Last edited by afrim, Sep 14 2014 21:06:01

10. Aminiel,

You said that most of you are not quite qeen with English-speaking especially orally, so then what is the role of your English-staff?

Which english staff ? You pointed the right thing, there is currently none

Shouldn't you have at least one person who is able to speak both English and French fluently and hence able to mediate?

Yes! We are precisely looking for that person.

Personnally, I consider that my written english isn't so bad, but my oral is far from optimal. Hance our wish to have first some who can speak french. Then, as long as the person who speak french can act as a bridge, other who come after don't have to know french.

I know of such persons who are best for the job, but as I stated before it would be wise to hold positions for moderation in all aspects of the pr and not only limit it to us, the English pr. If not to cure the prolems occurring with the Spanish, Italian and other servers, then to prevent such conflicts rampant in the playroom.

This is not clearly said in my message, but of course, we will also need people for spanish playroom., and others languages. For example, if someone is bilingual spanish/french, of course that he can apply for the spanish playroom. WE would also greatly appreciate it for spanish, as spanish is currently as much a jungle as english playroom.

As I mentioned in one of my messages to the opperators, there are a number of errors in the English translations in the pr. While they may seem insignificant to the average user, it shows little effort and professionalism. Having fluently speaking/ writing persons in English to rectify this would be greatly appreciated.

IF you are native english speaker or allmost, do propose your help as a translator ! It's less urgent than moderation at present, but still. In the meantime you can send us e-mails at any time to tell us where there are errors. We will fix them happily. Currently, the english playroom is a bit special, because it has no official translator. The english translator is just me, I'm not native, and I know that my english is so far away from perfection.

Also, I suggest to do a vote of some sort after you guys cut down the candidates to a few people.

This is completely excluded. We will discuss witht the applicants, and decide ourselves who is best suited. Making a vote would encourage cheating.

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11. Holly94,

Please post again once you recruit someone who speaks both english and french. I don't speak french, however I want to help out with the english.

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12. Master-Chief,

Hi all.
I'm not looking to be an admin in the pr
but I have a suggestion:
At the top of the idea of having some admins
how about an AI admin!
What it does is scan through the chat message or the free table title
and if it finds any word that has something to do with strong language or something of that sort
it'll bann the sender of the message or the one who set the table title for sometime.
This is just an idea I came up with.
Before I go: AI stands for Artificial Intelligence.

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13. Aminiel,

how about an AI admin!
What it does is scan through the chat message or the free table title
and if it finds any word that has something to do with strong language or something of that sort
it'll bann the sender of the message or the one who set the table title for sometime.

This is really not a good idea for at least two reasons :

  • There are always ways to bypass an automatic bot that would check for specific words
  • Know that there is that kind of autoban bot might encourage you to find how to avoid being caught

Because of the two points above, it's going to be an endless race between us and troublemakers. So, this is not the solution.

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14. Marina,

hey, that was such a good step :) but just got a question how would you reply to the candidates? through email or what?
best regards

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15. Aminiel,

We have already received some candidatures, but you can still write to us. Thank you very much !

D'ont expect to have necessarily a response. We have received everything, but we will contact you back only if we are interested. This will unfortunately still take days to proceed, because we have to discuss first. Nevertheless we thank you very much for contacting.

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16. Derrikk,

Hello. I have applied indeed, and my goal is not to complain that I haven't got any answer yet. I simply would like to come back to a few points that were made here. As far as languages, French is my native language but I'm bilingual. As I stated in the other thread about the English community I was the m main admin of klango. Before the developpers abandoned ship, what I tried to do was to have the other admins to be able to communicate for example, on Skype and discuss what is working, what is not working, what needs to be done, or prevented. So, this must be done and as the developpers are French, I believe very strongly that the ones who will be in contact with them must at least speak a little French to communicate. I also reject the idea of an election. In my opinion, the developpers are perfectly capable, and in fact, the only ones to determine who can do what. Another post here meets my full support, and it is about those who are known to insult, offend, cause troubles. of course they shouldn't be there and preferably not anyone under 18. I have seen what having allowed it led to on klango. Of course, those who apply should only be motivated by helping the play room, and absolutely not by wanting power. I'm not saying that anyone does, but again, I've seen it before. I do hope that a good solution will be brought to this issue and send you all my best regards. Arthur.

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17. Raki,

A question,
Will you guys take in to consideration how much that person visits the playroom, or how much time he has spent on there?
Someone coming out of nowhere, to take a mod spot, when he visits the playroom like once every 5 days would seem like a power grab to me, as derrick mentioned in the previous post.
Also, they wouldn’t know many players on there/what the situation is.


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18. Aminiel,

Will you guys take in to consideration how much that person visits the playroom, or how much time he has spent on there?
Someone coming out of nowhere, to take a mod spot, when he visits the playroom like once every 5 days would seem like a power grab to me, as derrick mentioned
in the previous post.

Of course that you have to be regularely connected, otherwise it makes no sens if you are never there.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Sep 17 2014 18:54:54

19. Derrikk,

Regarding ages though, now if some one is 17 but is quite mature enough, I don't see why he or she couldn't apply. What is to avoid is to have some who are just kids and can't appreciate what is good or bad behavior or would not really be willing to help new users or users having some difficulty with the programme. Now of course you can have older people with very little maturity and who would do an equally bad job.

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20. LaraStardust,

will you at least email back if someone doesnt get the

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21. dalglish7 ,

From what I have read in this foram people are going to read transcripts that may be what is regarded as 18 plus material that other users will have sent insulting other players. It would be very strange to select a 17-year-old who as part of their duties will have to sift through x-rated material and decide the suitable action to take. It would be like selecting 17-year-olds to sit on boards to decide if films should be given 18 plus certificates.

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Last edited by dalglish7 , Sep 18 2014 01:45:38

22. Raki,

I disagree, there isn’t much difference between an 18 year old and a 17 year old.
Now, if we’re talking about a 14 year old, okay, but 17,18,19, what’s the fuss.
With the age of social media today, people get exposed to these things at a very young age, the world is changing.

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23. Aminiel,

Anyway, we don't have the birthdate of posting people, unless they gave us explicitely. This wouldn't be a problem to recruit someone of 17 years old.

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24. Derrikk,

Of course, that's why I said that talking to the person is necessary. Youhave some one who is 17, two months off being 18, in that case I highly doubt that two months will bring any ysort of edifference in their behavior, or sensitivity. But I think getting an email back is the least of things. It is decent to do. After all, we aren't asking for a paid job but are offering to help.

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25. Aminiel,

We hope to discuss the candidatures received so far and answer to your messages by the end of this week-end.

At first glance, I saw some interesting candidatures, but I wont take a decision alone. We have to discuss first and we unfortunately wont answer before we have discussed.

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26. Derrikk,

Yes, I understand that. I was simply that if the number of candidates is not very high, those not selected should receive a reply.

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27. Sportsoholic ,

Patients, people! Patients! These administrators are Volunteering their own time to run this client and have lives outside of this gaming platform; it is a privlage, not a right to be allowed to participate in any service that this client provides. This includes, but is not limited to, being allowed to participate as a moderator in the playroom.

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Last edited by Sportsoholic , Sep 20 2014 04:39:40

28. Raki,

Um, no one is showing inpatients here.
This topic was created so people can ask questions and get information, and that’s what everyone is doing.
People are just merely putting their 2 sense worth in; dropping a suggestion or trying to help.

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29. bobo,


I have A Question

How You'll select a best candidates

by making a pole for voting for a best mod or what?

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30. Marina,

*This is completely excluded. We will discuss witht the applicants, and decide ourselves who is best suited. Making a vote would encourage cheating.*

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