a new suggestion about friends

7 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +5

1. ron_weasley,

hello friends, I suggest adding a feature that will allow us to see which of the people on our friend list we are currently on. sometimes someone removes us from the friend list, but because we don't understand it, we lose place by keeping the people who removed us from the friend list on our own list.

Score: -1

2. Zelon,

totally agreed

Score: +0

3. Negaar,

Hello. I saw friends who remooved you will no longer be shown in your friends list

Score: +1

4. blaise97,

the suggestion was actualy just made this week end, by the way thanks for making all that changes, this is very good.

Score: +1

5. chan,

this new change is good. sometimes, it would be really irritating when a friend removes you from the friend list. at least, now it is very better that it also removed from our side automatically.

Score: +3

6. TheDreamer,

This is why I got so much free space on it? Well, my fault for kinda forgetting this game exists lmao but still, nice. At least I didn't have to search them and remove one by one.

Score: +0

7. Negaar,

Hahaha me too, in fact it was so emptier that I thought a bug has occurred. Removing old friends with new names is still a method

Score: +0

7 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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