Simply, I don't understand the reason of this ban.

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1. NovaLenada ,

Hi, dear admins, players and all the playroom's community.
In this ocation, I would like to get an explanation for this: one of my friends had this while he was logging in:
Error --------------------------- You have been banned from the server for the following reason: is it ok right now ?. This ban ends in 2 days, 1 hours and 14 minutes.
I really don't understand the reason of this ban, and I think he didn't break any rule. Just he was entering as always and he had that notify... So can you atleast explain me why or what means it? Which one is the real reason? Luckily it was just for 2 days, but, anyways, there actually is not a reason to ban...
Regards, Diana.

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2. LaraStardust,

that is certainly a strange banning reason.
Who was the friend if i might ask?

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3. NovaLenada ,

It is basshunter2. He was banned many times, but he already talked with aminiel and things where okay. So Aminiel of course didn't ban him. That was Mayya i guess. And I wonder, Why if she banned him she didn't ban all those perverts yet?

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4. wolfi,

woow that's strange

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5. LaraStardust,


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6. YNWA,

It could be Mayya because after she banned someone once she wrote us that exact message. The person she banned that day was correctly banned and in a way it helpe the situation to be fair to Mayya.

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Last edited by YNWA, Sep 4 2015 23:11:35

7. afrim,

the reason is: "Is it OK right now?"
Very reasonable reason lol

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8. NovaLenada ,

Is like to ask: May I ban you for just 2 days? This reason just doesn't make sense. It isn't actually a reason. How in a reason will you write a question?

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9. afrim,

Well, May I bann you for just two days is more reasonable, and actually much more polite. At least I find it so.

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10. majoz,

Why damn she does it? I really don't understand, no part of my brain can find answer. Unbelieveable.

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11. gaurasuryavanshi,

if she did it, she has done it with reason! that's my opinion. why I've never been banned! if she is banning someone she is doing it becasue of some reason, if she was doing it without reasons she would banned me...

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12. the-professional-unow-player,

I also have been banned and The Reason is I Won't be Back

I didn't Vialate any Rules since yesterday, i didn't create a second account, i didn't insult

i started a new life in playroom

I want to know why i have been suddenly banned

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Last edited by the-professional-unow-player, Sep 5 2015 19:43:28

13. wolfi,

hey uno player let's play a game and let's see who will win lol

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14. NovaLenada ,

Shadia, I totally disagree with you. If she did it with a reason, why she didn't write the reason and instead she wrote a question? And, why she banned him and not those perverts?

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15. gaurasuryavanshi,

well diana, that;s my opinion, your friend may really hadn't break anything. just I thought so. and, I think, here we have a hacker that's banning people

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16. LaraStardust,

I doubt it. But did they have an argument or something, or has he been making groups against her on skype or something? in fact, er, who is this person?

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17. NovaLenada ,

Hackers? na. If they are hackers they could ban just... everyone

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18. the-professional-unow-player,

"hey uno player let's play a game and let's see who will win lol"

I can't enter Playroom at this Moment for The following Reason: I have been banned without reason.

after the admins unbanned me we'll play and I'll win for sure

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Last edited by the-professional-unow-player, Sep 5 2015 23:12:07

19. NovaLenada ,

Which one was your username, profesional uno player?

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20. Epic_Krrish,

For sure the admins might have recieved complains that's why he or she gets banned, so 2 days i think that is quite ocool... atleast he or she will have time to know why she or he was banned :P

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21. the-professional-unow-player,

My Username wich banned is Abdulrahman2015

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22. memo94,

Hi Abdul

You already violated the Rules, so No Nead to Come Back

You created Many Accounts: and if We tell You stop, you won't stop Creating accounts and talking with Yourself

You also insulting without a reason and You always spamming

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23. the-professional-unow-player,

that's not True, I want to Start A new life in Playroom

I didn't Insult, I didn't Spam and I didn't create moltople accounts, i had 1 before 2 days

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24. chado,

I also got banned 208 days and the reason is that I have 2 account, only 1

I'm wondering why The Admins are banning people randomly

@memo94 It's true, no nead for abdul to come back

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Last edited by chado, Sep 6 2015 13:42:58

25. memo94,

Chado: are You Sure that You don't have more than 1 account?

The Admins aren't banning people randomly, It's impossible

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26. chado,

Yes I'm sure, I have only 1 account, but anyway my ban ended

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27. LaraStardust,

does anyone else accept me find this highly hilairious?

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28. Marina,

lol, gosh? hahahahahaha just wait me apples, I mean abduls

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29. Exink,

hahaha, simply they're back, it's whant I can say about these messages.

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30. LaraStardust,

imma bring back a good old saying I used to say:
dardar rofls eating woffals

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