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579 topics, 12 pages:  1 6 78 9 10 12 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Connect Four Winner

GodSaveTheQueen 3 prabhu,

On/offline message after server restart on 03/18/2023

Natalie 3 Negaar,

Question about playing on an iPad.

MeowingKitty 1 girmit,

sugestion for the end of rounds

Arthas 0 Arthas ,

Query about chess abandon

Flare-Jhon 2 Aminiel,

Wierd problem seems

LovelessBoy 2 Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

Suggestion regarding permanent messages

GeorgeWu 5 GeorgeWu,

2 Web client bugs

Nikola 3 lucy_light,

Strange Ninety nine behaviour with bots (solved)

Nikola 6 Nikola,

Bug: Audio streems are not working in web clients.

DB8275 3 DB8275,

Duck Racing Number of Laps

jage 7 Aminiel,

suggestion, table message

Copito_De_Nieve 9 Moriarty,

zero zigth

draco_malfoy 6 Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

saving is not supported in duck racing.

Aayushi_the_explorer 2 Aayushi_the_explorer,

A telegram bot that converts YouTube links

ibraheemmohsen 2 Mohammedradwan2003,

Alter Aeon

Ryan_K 9 Aayushi_the_explorer,

registration in the game room

Kristen_Star 3 elections ,

new games to add

Peggy_Bella420 15 Aayushi_the_explorer,

Trick card games for two players

Adventure-Time 2 Aminiel,

Suppress global activity notifications

Moriarty 4 Aminiel,

Duck racing freezing sound on the web client - a funny glitch (solved)

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

Tysiac Tournament, Second Day Draw

GodSaveTheQueen 1 HeadphoneJack,

Hearsthone acces.

Andrew 3 Nikola,

bug in sending second message at same topic

elections 2 elections ,

Question on Playroom Updates

imprisonedindarkness 0 imprisonedindarkness,

I need an easy programming language to build audio games

davidhs1200 20 Rory101,

Improve card sorting in games like belote and tysiacha

HeadphoneJack 0 HeadphoneJack,

Connect Four Tournament

GodSaveTheQueen 9 GodSaveTheQueen,

A problem with forum subscriptions

Zelon 3 blaise97,

Game suggestion

LadyKai 2 codbro,

COngratulations and citadels tournament conclusion

GodSaveTheQueen 2 rockstar2013,

Bridge online game

OrsoNero 7 triggered,

Mini problem with alexa routines

Anya_Kristen 0 Anya_Kristen,

Bug with big victory limits when saving a farcle table

lucy_light 0 lucy_light,

One thousand miles tournament

candyqueen 41 barbi ,

looking for new books to read or lisin

Evertoneon 30 abhishek,

A strange problem with some game rules

Nikola 1 Marina,

Suggestion regarding quiz party.

GeorgeWu 2 GeorgeWu,

speed of duck challenge

ProjectZ 1 Aminiel,

installing ubuntu on virtual machine

sky360 12 girmit,

Latest participations taking a long time to open

Nikola 13 StormProductions,

game suggestion: casino

Dissonance531 1 Aminiel,

new game

codbro 0 codbro,

Teamtalk 5 QT client issue

supanut2000 5 CoBC,

Chat input history broken on the web client, bug or intentional?

Nikola 2 Aminiel,

Chain Reaction: A strategy game for 2 to 8 players. (ongoing)

Spongebob 4 majoz,

Any lesbian and or bisexual females out there? (finished)

sound2 18 sound2,

the killer

the.wind 45 KittyCat15,

farkle issue

gemmi 4 Nikola,

Getting an error while opening the forum on the client

StormProductions 1 Nikola,

579 topics, 12 pages:  1 6 78 9 10 12 ← Go back to forum list

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