Battleship rules.

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Score: +0

1. Mohammedradwan2003,

We don't have rules for battleship.

Score: +0

2. Emerald,

I guess its because battleship is such a popular game, most people know how it works and don’t need battleship rules?

Score: +1

3. lucy_light,

Well yeah, the game is popular, but at least, we should have a short description or a small highlight on the mecanics they adopted here, cause on every platform, it is a bit different.
On the other side, I can understand why we wouldn't need rules that badly, as it has been previously mentioned.
Views can be different, but I assume this might not be such a priority.

Score: +1

4. Mohammedradwan2003,

I knew battleship here but not elsewhere.

Score: +1

5. lucy_light,

There are a lot of variants, both on online platforms like this one and offline for download

Score: +0

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