What's your favourite song? (cancelled)

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Score: +15

31. MuhammadHajjar,

Well, what's your favourite song is imo a difficult question because I have a lot of songs that I like. But here's a song that's very special to me because I specifically chose it as a song to dedicate to my bride during our wedding ceremony, and it was a wonderful thing because it was played on loud, ear-splitting speakers all over the wedding hall. Yeah, idk why we have this culture of blowing people's eardrums with incredibly loud music at celebrations.
Anyway here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cz0fbIYQi8

Score: +0

32. Revaldo,

definitely la cantata del diablo in this very moment. A 21 minute song that has everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwPSH2tq50E

Score: +0

33. Vojvoda,

Well here goes my favorite song. As others already stated multiple times, it's difficult to give your all time favorite song because different songs are for different occassions. But this one in my opinion is a lyrical masterpiece, you can Picture the whole story in your head while listening to it.
I also chose an english song because I doubt that someone can understand the wibe of Serbian songs, although, I have to admit, I managed to addict few foreign people to the Serbian folk.
So, here is the all too well 10 minute version:


Score: +0

34. Borja ,

Si no te tengo of ke personajes.

Score: +0

35. melo,

My favorite song is rara vez by Taiu and Milo J

Score: +0

36. Kabo,

My favorite song is Tu falta de querer of Mon Laferte, because I heard it in a hardcore moment. Also I like Uno los dos Of Miranda and Emilia, No voy a llorar of Nicky Nicole, Primera cita of Carín León and Can't Help Falling In Love of Elvis Presley.

Score: +0

37. bogdanionut,

I listen to a lot of music, so it's hard to choose just a favourite song. But I'll post two songs that are special for me, both very emotional. Those are live performances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pciIdueWF2A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBK6xymmKHM The emotion that I feel when listening to those songs is indescribable.

Score: +0

38. sound2,

I have plenty favourite songs. But since the subject says your favourite song, I'll just mention one.

Can't Take It In by Imogen Heap. I'm to lazy to find the youtube link. It was used in The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. It's worth a listen at least to me. I like what happends to the piano, and the echos that bounce around.

Score: +0

39. Mishka,

There we go. My favourite song is Sheh Maat, my first original composition. Well, just some self-promotion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb-48DiujY8

Score: -1

40. Negaar,

I'm confused. What is refused here?
No longer confused, It makes sence now.

Score: +0

Last edited by Negaar, Oct 9 2023 17:59:59

41. mohitarya,

my favavourite songs are from Kishore kumar
, and I am confused why this topic is labled as trash?

Score: +0

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