matchups for the first round of the ninety-nine party

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1. Riad,

Hello, all, lads and ladies, playroom users, moderators, helpers, yep everyone without any exception.
First, I'd like to say a big "Thank you" for all of you people who have helped me with my ninety-nine tournament, and without whom this would have never been possible. But, before putting the matchups up, this subject will be only deducated to the first round of the tournament. The thing will be hold Thursday, August 13th, at 18:00 GMT, 19:00 Egypt and some European countries, 20:00 in the Middle East. All the participants were told the date so I won't take the pain to cite it again.
A big thanks goes to my helpers: Jason, Muhammad_Hajjar and Dardar, for volontearing to help me with this tournament. Each one of us will be charged of a table, containing each 8 players for a total of 32. We, the organizers, will be playing as well as moderating the tournament.
The first day, we'll have 4 tables going at the same time, then the duration of round 1 is expected to be 50 minutes-1 hour. Please come on at time, or your opponent will move up to the next round if we don't find a replacement.
Sorry for this intro, but it was important to set everything up.
The rules of participation were figuring in my announce about the tournament, which can be found at
but I'll automatically say that you've taken your time to carefully read and understand each letter of the agreement. If you disagree about any of the rules then tell me and your name will be removed.
Here, finally, is the part you were waiting for, the matchups
MR.Riad's table:

  1. MR.Riad vs Mogosog
  2. Keywasfull vs Babyactress
  3. Shewolf vs Meshaal
  4. jordanian_man vs guliwer
  5. Muhammad_hajjar's table:
  6. Muhammad_hajjar vs Ynwa.
  7. yousuf_katab vs Jeff-Rutkowski
  8. Diana vs Nick.
  9. Policeman1 vs giovani
  10. Jason's table:
  11. Jason vs Cristina
  12. Mainman vs teardrop
  13. mohammed.albasha vs Afrim
  14. lover_of_silence vs Tariq.tayem
  15. Dardar's table:
  16. Dardar vs aravis
  17. rauly vs OneNOnlyKrrish
  18. stenaldo vs Imthechampraki
  19. smiling_flower vs the-quiet-feelings
  20. That's the end! We hope to see you playing soon!
    Best regards!
    The organizers team.

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Last edited by Riad, Aug 10 2015 16:10:46

2. wolfi,

aaaaaaaaaa why why why why hwhy why, I got to be with strong players in my tournament, and I got to be with a player has a really nice luck in the ninety nine tournament? why why why why why why why I hope you guys will enjoy looking at me losing. :d

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3. afrim,

I guess stenaldo won't come, so I might need to replace him. especially this combination, (stenaldo VS imthechampraki) is a battle between strong players which may win this tournament and it's not very good-structured. But so far, good luck to everyone.

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4. rauly ,

can i play?

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5. Riad,

@afrim OK no problem you'll be playing instead of him. Bare in mind that this is the first big tournament I officially do. The problem is that I started another one, but I stopped it after the death of Ahmed.
@rauly hey your name is in the matchups, have you found it just wandering.

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6. YNWA,

As there were no previous tournaments the draw was unseeded so it is down to luck on who you play and that was the same for our Cribbage tournament. I said Guliwer and Mayank would reach the final of the Cribbage tournament and they went out in the first round. Just don't let me predict any of you as winners! Nobody knows what will happen it is down to the cards you get and you doing the best with them so stop moaning!

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7. wolfi,

I just said it for fun, and I think I said it to riad. not to ynwa.


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8. YNWA,

I did not see you moan lol so I could not possibly be refering to you!

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9. Cristina ,

Rauly, you are so so funny!!! Oneonlykrrish will be your opponent. Aaaaaand I want to predict: i will lose from the beginning. I signed up for having fun and not for winning. hahaha

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10. afrim,

Never mind Mr. Riod, since it's your first tournament there may be any mistakes, I got problems in my tournament last year which went bad, but dealing two players of a great level is the same as putting Germany VS Brazil in front of them right in the first day of the world cup :)

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11. orion6 ,

I guess i can't participate at this time

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12. YNWA,

it happens in the FA cup and it is not a problem. That is what a knock out tournament is. Remind me how Brazil got on in the last world cup?

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13. afrim,

it was in the semmi-final against germany, not in the first match of the world cup. My suggestion is to give away much much more show, not next to any other purpose.

Score: +0

Last edited by afrim, Aug 10 2015 19:23:21

14. YNWA,

Can you show us your coefficient rankings and the opta stats where you were able to gather them?

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15. afrim,

I can't make out what are you talking about. You are trying to get so deeply into this discussion by being too fastidious that only God knows where do you want to get at. I meant, I didn't like to be against a strong player directly in the first match, because it doesn't give away too much show, knowing that we are both some of the best players of the famous 99 Game. If you want to make a good tournament, play with some of your participants and see what level do they stand in, then make up the teams.

Let's have no more of this.

Score: +0

Last edited by afrim, Aug 10 2015 21:44:05

16. YNWA,

Coefficients are ways you work out rankings. witch is set over a set period of years normally 5. There is no way of valueing how good a player is here for example and I am sure you have no scientific way of evaluating peoples ability here. You have never even seen all the players play so are basing your claims on what feelings? Opta are a company that gather statistics on all players using what is known has Prozone and that system is where every player has a camera on them 4 90 minutes and passes, runs and everything else is recorded. All top clubs use them now.

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Aug 10 2015 22:03:05

17. afrim,

You are trying to get so deeply into this discussion by being too fastidious that only God knows where do
you want to get at. I meant, I didn't like to be against a strong player directly in the first match, because it doesn't give away too much show, knowing
that we are both some of the best players of the famous 99 Game. If you want to make a good tournament, play with some of your participants and see what
level do they stand in, then make up the teams.

Let's have no more of this.

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18. Raki,

Leav it Ynwa.
He has no mathimatical statistics, he's going off his opinion, that's fine. Lets keep this topic on track which is for everyone to know who they're playing.

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19. wolfi,

I really like the feeling of losing :dd

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20. YNWA,

could be reverse psychology!

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21. The-white-dove,

@the-quiet-feelings Really? Well I wish you lose then! good luck with that! Just kidding of course. :D

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22. Cristina ,

Lol guys, this is absolutely ridiculous... How some adult persons want to prove to the young people that they are wiser, but unfortunately their behavior shows the opposite. it's so pity emoticon, smile

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23. LaraStardust,

alright with respect, will you two lovebirds quit with the hugely woreded argument!
gjees! good luck to everyone participating, i'm actually scared now :D

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24. aravis,

oh, and i am the first again, in that fourth table, i mean. i understand the selection of teams is random, which gives a possibility of two strong or two weak players play against each other. does it matter so much really? tha main thing that everyone plays fair, that's all. one can't cheat in 99 anyway, so what is there to protest against?
i've only seen dardar every now and then in the playroom, so i don't know who i have to deal with, but it may be for the better.

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25. LaraStardust,

what exactly do you mean by that?

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26. wolfi,

at kristina what do you mean?

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27. afrim,

All in all, what I can say is that Cristina is absolutely right, at an incredible large extent of accuracy.


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28. YNWA,

we were having a reasoned argument not insulting each other I think you would agree with that Afrim? so why did Cristina put her nose in where it was not wanted only she can answer that! there is no need to insult people here. A debate about random draws and seeded draws is a reasonable one to have If you cannot debate on a foram then why have it?.

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29. afrim,

Look mate, I told you what I thought and gave my arguments on it. I also told you what to do unless we have methods of defining the level of players here in this game. But you were trying to go deeper and deeper. So that's why did it go in that way. That is like talking next to nothing, or just spending energy from your body and getting nothing in return. Is it so, or there is something more than it meets the eye.

We will participate in these discussion as long as we are related to them, or there is something that I'm interested in. Imthechampraki Said that "Leave him, he's giving his opinion, and that's what I'm doing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and sorry for any insault or misunderstanding.


Score: +0

Last edited by afrim, Aug 10 2015 23:38:35

30. wolfi,

agree with ynwa

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