Uno league, matches for week four, conference three

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Score: +0

1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
Here are the matches for week four. Apologies on posting this late.
Jscholes v Cristina,
Eirin v Cristi85,
Guliwer v Ilhan,,
Eirin v Christina,
Jscholes v Cristi85,
Basket v Ilhan.
Table two,
Clarice-Starling v spartan,
Basket v Clarice-Starling,
Spartan v JasonGraceTheDutchAce,
JasonGraceTheDutchAce v Daliber,
BrailleKid v Guliwer,
Braillekid v daliber.

Score: +0

2. basket,

Hello everyone,
I regretfully have to inform that I will not be able to make it for conference three matches tomorrow. An unexpected outing has popped up that I can't get out of. Given that the raven won't be there, and no guarantee that krrish will be there, I have to postpone all matches for tomorrow. Week four matches will be made up on a date to be announced.
Thanks for your understanding and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Score: +0

Last edited by basket, Dec 20 2015 05:59:00

3. musiclover,

i can re place

Score: +0

4. Epic_Krrish,

This is a final time we telling you musiclover we don't need replacements, and if we do so then we will contact players but for now, no, so stop posting unwanted messages here.

Score: +0

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