Points table for conference 2, week 9

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Score: +0

1. the-raven ,

Basket: 15
Fawaz: 14
Claudiu: 13
The-Raven: 12
Imthechampraki: 12
StarringLikeUnited: 12
The_Heart_Of_Lion: 10
Mogosog: 9
Estrellavega: 9
Mandy2011: 7
Denizbaykal: 7
Arial15: 6
Mohammad.Aldalain: 6
Pika-San: 4
Cristina-Ioana: 4
Kensei: 2
Jeff-Rutkowski: 1

Score: +0

2. Raki,

So do we know how many players make it in to the next round from each confrince?
I guess it changed from the 5 after the confrinces got expanded.

Score: +0

3. Cristina ,

Yes, I am curious to know aswell. smile

Score: +0

4. the-raven ,

for now it's final 12, meaning it's 6 from each conference.

Score: +0

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