Scopa tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!
I'd like to let all of you know that I've thought of organizing a scopa tournament.
Firstly, i'd like to know when all of you think that it should take place this event and which version of scopa would you prefer?
Feel free to write your opinions and suggestions on this topic, then all together, the organizers and participants, can decide how this tournament should run, to be an enjoyable and entertaining one for all of us.
Regards smile!!!

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Scopa has about 3 kinds. I usually play Escopa.
Not only that, but we should think of which time shoudl the tournament start? As you know, there is a Uno league. Which people are busy with.
In which day shall we start? How many days in the week? Is it one time? Or a league like Uno.
Kindest salutations

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3. Cristina ,

Ok, to be very clear, I've thought just of those two versions: escoba and scopone escoba.

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4. Vojvoda ,

I always prefer scopone, but scopone escoba is ok also

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5. Lemonade,

I guess if you actually want skil to play a bigger role, you probably want scopone escoba... however that means I will definitely not win.... LOL

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6. Cristina ,

I am waiting first for more opinions and suggestions, then it will be how the most people will want.
Idid not decide yet for any of those two versions mentioned above, just because I will respect the desire of majority.
Lol, sorry for my bad english, but I hope, it was clear what I've said.

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7. majoz,

Lol. If there will be scop one escoba, I know who will be the winner. :D

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8. musiclover,

ithink eskolda

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9. Cristina ,

Ok, because more people requested to be scopa escoba, I've decided to choose that version.
I know that there are some people who like scopone escoba, like myself is doing, but as I've stated in one of my post, I will respect the desire of the majority.
I promise that I will organize a scopone escoba tournament for all those players who love this version, and at that time I will take part in too.
There are some people who have signed up already, but the list is still opened, threfore don't hesitate to sign up if you want to take part in this tournament.
Regards, Cristina

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10. Sajad-Aliraqi,

And ya guys? She will be somehow tired of choosing the time. If you want to join, you have to promise her that you will join the tournament. And of course, you have an excuse if you get strong circumstances, or you didn't come circumstantially! In that case you have an excuse. I'm not who sets the rules, but it's obvious.
Kindest salutations!

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11. Lemonade,

Yep, it's obvious...
The only problem is, of course, that we don't know when it will take place, so we can't really say if we're able to join yet.
But sure,I shall join or at least try to.

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12. Cristina ,

It will take place in may, so next month.
Soon I will post the rules of it, after when I will talk to my helpers.

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13. fani ,

hello! i think escoba is better than other type.

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14. Cristina ,

Smile, my teammates and me got a very nice idea and soon we will share with you guys.
This tournament will be a special one and after when we will let all of you know what we've decided, i think that you will agree.
Just feel free to sign up and I e encourage all of you, who are still thinking, because this tournament will be like a huge party for all of us.
Regards, Cristina

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15. Epic_Krrish,

I rather think normal scopa is better ll!

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16. evalinde,

My favourite version is escoba. If I know when it will take place I will see if I can join. But how does that work? Will there be a special topic where people can subscribe?

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17. sopralto,

I would be interested to join!

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18. Sajad-Aliraqi,

There should be a free table discusses this tournament. And I prefer a private table. Only for those who wants to join!

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19. Cristina ,

Hello guys!
The tournament will take place on 21th of may.
Yes, there it will be a free table before the tournament will begin, but till that time, you can sign up here or to send me a private message, then I will record down your name.
Soon I will post everything what all of you have to know about how this tournament will be.
Till that time, don't hesitate to tell your opinions, suggestions and questions.
Regards, Cristina

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20. Sajad-Aliraqi,

That's awsome, date has been chosen for the tournament, importantly, your suggestions guys.

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21. fani ,

hi! i want to partisipate to the tornoment !

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22. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!!!
Finally I can share with all of you what we've decided, damimamicinedamimami (his previous nickname was adventure-time) and myself.
The tournament will take place on 21th of may and will start at 6 p.M GMT.
We plan to have two consecutive tables running in the same time: one will be hosted by damimamicinedamimami, for those players who want scopone escoba and the other will be hosted by myself, for those who want escoba.
I had to change my mind and we've decided to have both variants of scopa, because there are many players who requested this.
For the escoba variant the score limit will be 11 in the first round of the tournament and who will win his match will be in the next round.
For the other variant, scopone escoba, the score limit will be 16 for the first round and it will be the same for who will win his match.
It will not be activated (2 points ahead rule) and it will be individual game, one on one
About the how will be the next rounds of this tournament, I will let all of you know after when we will see how many players will sign up and after when we will make the draw for the matches of the first round.
Who will win the final of escoba variant will play against who will win the final of scopone escoba variant. Moreover we will allow them to decide what type of scopa they want to play. This will be just for having more fun.
There are still free spots for who wants to sign up. Anyone can do it on this topic, or telling to adventure or even to me.
I hope to have a great time playing in this tournament, and that everyone will understand what I've written, if no, feel free to ask me anytime. Regards, scopa tournament team, damimamicinedamimami and Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Apr 25 2016 13:45:44

23. mahmood-jumblat,

I wanna join

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24. Lemonade,

Sure, I'm in. A few questions though. How do you know if you will be in escoba, or scopone escoba? I take it you can't join both of them then if the tables are simultaneous, which is a bit of a shame lol. And currently I don't really know which one I want to join yet, because i can't decide.
Also, I'm not sure how choosing the game in the final will work. Because I'm willing to bet that the winner of the escoba tournament will choose escoba, and the winner of the scopone escoba tournament will choose scopone escoba. How is that going to be dealt with?

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25. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Since Adventure-time will host a table, and Cristina-Ioana will host a table too. But I think, one free table will discusses all that. And each master has the right to choose game rules without playing by difault if users haven't disagreements.

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26. Cristina ,

Dear everyone, till 21th of may all those people who want to join this tournament can decide which variant of scopa will want to play.
Moreover if a player would want to play both of them, I think that we are able to manage those matches, even if you consider it being "a bit of a shame", just cause we've decided to have those two consecutive tables running in the same time.
For example: if A will have match with B to that table where will be played the matches for escoba variant and A wants to play scopone escoba too, then be sure that we will not schedule his match at the same time what he will have to play to that table where the matches will be played for scopone escoba variant.
Then that final match what those two players will have to play is just for having fun and I think that none of them will behave like a child who would get pissed just cause someone wanted to be not how he expected.
Everything is about the tolerance, patience and the trying of having fun, taking part in this tournament.
I hope it was quite clear what I've said and such questions are really helpful.
Thank you!
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Apr 25 2016 18:21:19

27. babyactress,

ok i am in too. for me np what skopa we play. for me whatever it will be is good. thanks

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28. afrim,

OK, I would firstly like to wish a good luck to all the organisers of this tournament. I believe it will be a promising good and funny tournament that all of us will enjoy and love.
I'm in , for sure!
And I don't care which version of scopa version it is. It's important to win it.

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29. Lemonade,

Ok I will join both. Who knows, maybe I can play myself in the finals! Except not, because I fail too much at scopone escoba.

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30. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I don't know, is a player allowed to join two tournaments simultaneously?

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