The champions of scopa tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!!!
Congratulations to the-raven, the winner of scopa escoba variant and random-Rob, the winner of scopone escoba variant. They are the champions of the last scopa tournament which has concluded yesterday evening, on 22th of may 2016.
Therefore all of you know that the tournament has consisted of running the matches for two variants of scopa.
I would like to talk about those matches for scopa escoba variant which were running at that table hosted by me.
There were many nice, enjoyable matches, they were as follow:
On 21th of may 2016, the first day of scopa tournament were played 12 matches of 13.

  1. Jaguhal vs Dragos score 13-2
  2. Policeman1 vs the-raven score 8-11
  3. Fani vs cola score 14-12
  4. Mamali vs firefly82 score 12-8
  5. Guliwer vs MagicalKrrish score 11-1
  6. Aurel vs Furki score 16-9
  7. Qedirgencero vs albinuta2 score 15-7
  8. Andreiuta vs Rooney score 12-9
  9. Alesia vs Pistachio score 17-14
  10. Mandy2011 vs Everyone score 11-6
  11. Basket Kensei score 12-3
  12. Vero vs cocoatray score11-6
  13. Musiclover’s opponent did not show up, therefore musiclover was moved automatically to the next round.
    Other 3 matches of the first round were postponed and played on 22th of may 2016, they are as follow:
    Flavianu vs Simona31 score 13-11
    Soorina vs EcstasyGirl score 4-13
    Claudiu vs Tehseen score 5-11
    The second day of scopa tournament, being the concluding day of it, has consisted of the next rounds: the second round of the tournament, quarter final, semifinal and final.
    The second round had 6 matches of 8, because Mamali’s opponent and EcstasyGirls opponent has come too late, almost when the tournament was over, therefore Mamali and ecstasyGirl were moved automatically to the quarter final.
    The matches of the second round were as follow:
    1. Musiclover vs fani score 9-14
  14. JaguHal vs flavianu score 17-14
  15. Alesia vs basket score 12-14
  16. The-raven vs Guliwer score 16-13
  17. Mandy2011 vs Aurel score 15-7
  18. Vero vs Tehseen score 15-18
  19. Quarter final
  20. Mamali vs EcstasyGirl score 15-9
  21. Fani vs Basket score 12-15
  22. JaguHal vs the-raven score 7-15
  23. Mandy2011 vs tehseen score 15-9
  24. Semifinal
  25. Mamali vs Basket score 21-16
  26. Mandy2011 vs the-raven score 11-21
  27. Final
    The-raven vs Mamali score 21-18
    All of you could notice, there were many interesting matches with great scores.
    I would like to thank everyone who have taken part to this scopa tournament, helpings us to have such a nice event and a enjoyable time together. Many thanks for your understanding and patience.
    And many, many thanks to damimamicinedamimami, my awesome pigeon, without whose help and work, I would have not been able to organize so well this scopa tournament. I am delighted to say, that everything has worked properly, although this was the first tournament what I’ve organized.
    This encouraged me and I am thinking of organizing a backgammon tournament in the next period, but I will give more detailes when the idea will be well fpainted.
    Congratulation again to those two champions, participants and my helper. All of you have proved how awesome you are, being helpful and very patient.
    Regards Cristina!!!

Score: +0

2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Congratulations dearest friends. And a special congratulations to the-raven :-)

Score: +0

3. MuhammadHajjar,

Congrats to you all.

Score: +0

4. fire-starter,

congrats all

Score: +0

5. afrim,

Great job!

Score: +0

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