Backgammon tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!!!
I am pleased to announce that soon will be the backgammon tournament about what I've talked in my last post, when I've declared the champions of the last scopa tournament.
The backgammon tournament will consist four groups, being four players in a group.
Because the backgammon game is very popular and often played by sailors, I've decided to name those groups "ships" and the players "sailors". Smile
Therefore I need 16 sailors, who will be placed on those four ships. Four sailors on a ship.
After when I will get those 16 sailors, I will let all of you know the rules and the starting date of this backgammon tournament.
Some people have signed up already, but still are free spots, so, don't hesitate to take your place in this tournament if you are interested to participate.
Anyone can sign up here, in this topic, or to send me a private message.
Thank you!
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , May 27 2016 10:47:40

2. MRMagenta,

hahaaha. Nice I dia I am interested to join.

Score: +0

3. Vojvoda ,

I want to participate for sure

Score: +0

4. MRMagenta,

WHat will be the wictory score? I am asking to be between 1 and 5.

Score: +0

5. each-and-everythinh ,

hello , i want to participate if i am able to

Score: +0

6. Cristina ,

Oh incredible, all the spots were filled.
I even wonder if should I extend the numbers of participants from 16 to 32?
Thank you guys and soon I will post everything what all of you need to know.
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

7. MRMagenta,

What will be a wictory score?

Score: +0

8. Cristina ,

Because I could not refuse anyone, I've decided to extend the number of participants.
Therefore I need 32 sailors, instead of 16. smile
If I will not get those 32, untill we will make the draw, then I will run the tournament with all those participants who will sign up till that date.
Feel free to sign up and talk to your friends about this, in that case if they don't follow the forum.
Thank you!!!
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

9. fani ,

Hi cris! my friend farzad wants to participate. please count him in.

Score: +0

10. Cristina ,

Hello dears!
I would like to let all of you know, that there are 24 sailors, who have signed up already for the backgammon tournament.
Therefore, there still are 8 free spots.
I hope that 32 sailors will be when the tournament will start, for having more entertainment.
It will be a long tournament, but please don't be scared or worried, because it will conclude in maximum 3 weeks, according to my plan.
The best wishes, Cristina

Score: +0

11. jotes,

can i partecipe?

Score: +0

12. Cristina ,

I am sorry, but all spots were filled. There are 32 players already.
Soon we'll make the draw, then will post here all the rules of this tournament.
Regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

13. jotes,

ok no problem

Score: +0

14. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!
Finally we have made the draw for this backgammon tournament, which will start on the 20th of june 2016, so, quite soon.
We'd like to thank undertaker and basket, who have helped us to make the draw.
I'll post first the list with all groups called ships and the names of all those players (sailors) who will compete in this tournament.
Each player (sailor) will compete against those players (sailors) who will be in the same group (ship) with him.
Therefore each sailor will play 3 matches.
And here are those 8 ships containing 32 sailors, 4 sailors on each ship:
Ship A MagicalKrrish

Ship B: Smoothy

Ship C: Dave

Ship D: Dragos

Ship E: Alesia

Ship F: Tehseen

Ship G: Sopralto

Ship H: Aurel
The first matches will be: MagicalKrrish vs JaguHal
Furki vs mogosov

Smoothy vs Faraz
Andreiuta vs Docwright

Dave vs Duni-wjetre
matcausthon vs goredemon

Dragos vs Bastibasti
Angelina-princess vs Bogdanmuresan

Alesia vs Fawaz
Giulio vs Guliwer

Tehseen vs Pistachio
Black vs Johnny

Sopralto vs Random-Rob
Malo-precoje vs Sparklingangel

Aurel vs the-raven
Genti vs pandov86
They will be played on all those ships mentioned above.
Soon Damimamicinedamimami, who is again my teammate in organizing this backgammon tournament, will post the rules and everything what all of you will need to know, having a nice and entertaining time together.
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Jun 12 2016 09:06:22

15. piccolina ,

I'd like to participate.
All places were taken, but if you need a replacement, count me in please.
Thank you!

Score: +0

16. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!!
I am posting this message to get to know you with some information about The Backgammon Tournament. Before starting, I’d like to tell you that my great teammate, Damimamicinedamimami, will not sadly have the possibility to help me and you with the organisation of the game due to having a hard time at school. However, this will not lead to many problems for the tournament because the organisation will be a little different this time. I’d invite you to listen and read carefully the rules so as to be in tune with the tournament and its rules. Never the less, to avoid confusion, you could always leave any comment here on this post, or find me on playroom and ask me for anything you cannot understand or do not agree with. I’ll be very eager to assist you.
First of all, the tournament will be hosted on 20th of June. What is special about this tournament is that the timetable will not be fixed. It means that there will not be a firm schedule about the tournament apart from the date 20, so you’ll have the opportunity to play against your opponent in three periods of day. I’ll be waiting for you from the morning to the evening. The matches will be arranged by me and each participant will be notified about the time and his opponent. If there is the case that two competitors decide to play the match at a later point during the day, I will postpone the game to the schedule you both agree to play. Note that if you do not turn up at the time of your match, we will wait five to ten minutes, but after that you will be automatically disqualified from the tournament and your opponent will jump to the next stage. Talking about the score limit, it will be fixed to three points in the first round.
Five points for the next rounds, but anyone who manages to reach three points will be declared the winner. Also, the same procedure will be valid for the final round, the score will be fixed to seven points, but the player who has the chance to reach five points will win the match. Doubling stack will be allowed as being part of the game, and there will be no timer.
Mainly, this was all I wanted to inform you about and I’d like to ask your confirmation about what I have decided in relation to the tournament. If you would want anything changed, or if there’s anything you do not agree with, you may comment on this topic, or send a message to me on Playroom and I will look into it.
To conclude, I’d like to wish everyone a very good luck and hope to be a truly enjoyable tournament, friendly and entertaining for everyone.
May the best one win!
Regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

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