we are ready?

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31. jotes,

so the first matches has finish.
Deborah773 has replace malo--preko-jetre and gersonides has replace silver leaf57
to day will play group 3 and group 4 in afternoon.
in evening will play again group 1 and 2
the results:
group 1:
Musiclover VS deborah773 = 359-229
Group 2
gersonides VS adventure-time = 302-147

today will play
Group 3
Bastibasti VS Jotes
Group 4
Cristina-ioana VS fire-starter

Score: +0

32. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Gersenets or something is also Abdul

Score: +0

33. jotes,

now i'm in the caos
because of abdull

Score: +0

34. WindowEyes,

Jotes, I think that if abdel is banned, his apponent will automatically win like he did not show up.

Score: +0

35. jotes,

i'm against bastibasti
@blind_Tech yes if abdul don't come is mates will automatically win.
at 19.230 will play jotes and bastibasti
at 20.30 will play
Cristina-ioana VS fire-starter
tomorrow we have to do more matches.
if you know shark tell him.
tomorrow of the second match of group 1 is shark VS besmiri.

Score: +0

36. pirata70,

Hi! I'm in the English forum. But who must I play agaist?

Score: +0

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