problem with a blind legend

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1. sparkle98,

hello everybody and sorry if this is not the place for that message, just let me know and i will delete it. My problem is that i am having a difficulty passing scene 25 of a blind legend, the scene with the guards room. Thank you for the helpers and sorry again if this is not the place to ask this.

Score: +0

2. MuhammadHajjar,

Just try to walk slowly, focus on heading Louise, and you'll be fine.

Score: +0

3. sparkle98,

she is turning around a lot, and someone told me that this level is all about time. So if the time ends, i die.

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4. Aminetr25 ,

Just an advice, don't press control to walk slowly, just use arrows to walk normaly, and don't use shift to run.

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5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

The game is for Android and IOS. I am not sure if there is a stable Windows version!

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6. fire-starter,

there is, but its payed, and via steam so ...

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7. MuhammadHajjar,

I've bought it a long time ago, and beat it. It's fun and better to control with pc.

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8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Oh that's good.
I guess I've got one copy, but haven't try it yet!

Score: +0

9. filibuster ,

I've actually beaten it twice. It's one of the coolest games out there!

Score: +0

Last edited by filibuster , Aug 7 2016 01:31:03

9 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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