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1. YNWA,

Dear All

I will state this is not a tournament but a challenge so it will be up to you if you want to take on the challenge.

In the Playroom there are 7 team games Jass, Scopa, Dominos, spades, cribbage Belote and 1000 Miles. I was going to call the event the Heptathlon but Teardrop pointed out that not everybody knows all the games so I have decided to call it the Modern Pentathlon. You have to choose 5 games that you know well and play them with your team partner against another team. It does not matter what games you choose from that list as long as you choose 5 different games. To complete it properly you should play them all against the same team but we will allow you to play other teams.

Lets see if anybody can complete the challenge and best of luck with your games.

Score: +0

2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Let's say I can play 1000 miles, Farkle, ninety nine, Scopa and shut the boxes.
Just for an example.
With whom will I play?

Score: +0

3. YNWA,

It has to be team games. Remember it is a bit of fun, you don't even have to win.

Score: +0

4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Then I'd have to team up. Right? How many members do I need? Sorry for too much questions

Score: +0

5. YNWA,

np, you would have a partner and you would have to face another team so in total 4 of you would play at any one game. We could not make it more or it would be a difficult challenge.

Score: +0

6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

When do we start? And does the hoster of the table need to post scorrs, or how shall we publish it!

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7. YNWA,

you can start when you like. We don't need real proof just say I have done it. Remember it is a challenge not a tournament.

Score: +0

8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

That's really cooooooool idea! Good luck to all. Going to find my teammates

Score: +0

9. YNWA,

On request I have created a challenge for individuals. I suppose you can call it the Pr's Crypton Factor. Again it is a bit of fun. To complete the challenge you are asked to play 12 of these 15 games against another individual. We will cheat a bit and allow you to play against other players. Farkel, Rummy, 99, Backgammon, Uno, Yahtzee, 6 takes, Scopa, Battleships, Chess, connect 4, Scientific war, Cribbage, Reversi and Monopoly.

Both of these challenges are a bit of fun and You have till the end of the Paraolympics to complete them. Don't write down every game you played or what the score was just let us know if you were able to complete any of the challenges. Remember it is just a bit of fun and if people get to try out new games then that will be the success of the challenge.

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Aug 4 2016 00:29:15

10. Sajad-Aliraqi,

K, and sorry for asking. Am I supposed to play those 12 games or only 5 like the previous quiz

Score: +0

11. Vojvoda ,

Hi, I have a question how much players can be in one team? and I would like to participate also my friend milos81.

Score: +0

12. musiclover,

i can do that

Score: +0

13. YNWA,

There are 2 challenges unless people come up with alternative ones. First the team challenge you are required to complete a minimum of 5 out of the 7 games. I would suggest you have 2 players in your team but if you do it with 3 i guess we can call it the ultimate team challenge.

The individual challenge you need to complete a minimum of 12 out of the 15 games. Having said that there is no reason people can't play every game and all variants but that would be up to you. I am not interested in if you can do it but when you have done it. Anybody can choose to take up the challenge and it would be nice to here what fun you have had while doing it. Also I will add you can choose the order you want to play your games. It is easy to understand complete either 5 team games or 12 individual games.

Score: +0

14. Slavista,

Hello guys
If someone of you is still searching for team mate, i am free from august 7th to august 20th so feel free to contact me...

Score: +0

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