Lets share our medals

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1. Slavista,

Hello all

Yes, i am coming again with topic, not so much related to the playroom world, but i hope, it will get many thoughtfull replies.
As the name bellow says, this topic is for all sport fans, but also for those, who are watching sport only at olympic games.
So i think, we all could share medal successes of our nations together, to know, how is the country of everyone here succesfull in Rio...

So i could start. Unfortunatelly the Czech republic has only one medal sofar, but i think, more succesfull days will come for us. So our first bronze medal has been won by our canoer Jiri Prskavec... :)
And now, it's your turn. :)

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2. fire-starter,

of witch sports?

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3. Slavista,

of olympic games in Rio de Janeiro

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4. fire-starter,

hi, i know but witch sport (e.g. football, hockey)
kind regards
p.s. the netherlands didn't won anything yet, as far as i know

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5. basket,

We have the most over all metals, as well as the most gold metals so far.

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6. Raki,

Well, Canada generally does poorly in the summer games, the winter games are when we shine. However this time around we’re having some unexpected success in the water. We have 6 metals so far 5 of which have come from the pool. We have a 16 year old swimmer named Penny Oleksiak, she’s already got 3 metals and has a chance to get another one in I think it’s the 100M free style tonight. Also, what the Americans are doing in the water is quite awesome.

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7. Epic_Krrish,

hey guys Fiji has also won a maddle in olympic in 7's rugby, and for the first time they won gold. Cheers.

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8. Angelina-princess,

Good morning all.
Olympic is a big stage for our sport delegation & we really happy & proud that Vietnam is ranking at 23rd per 206 sport delegations attending, with 1 gold & 1 silver medal of gunner Hoang Xuan Vinh in Shooting.
An important thing, this is the first time we got a medal. at the Olympic & we hope Vietnam will get more medals in the next days.

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9. Vojvoda ,

This Olimpic games are the worse for serbia :( The best tenniser lost, good basketball team lost, Waterpolo team lost just sadness

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10. Slavista,

Hello again
Yesterday the Czech republic got another medal, it was gold one and it was surprissingly in judo... It's the first time, when someone from czech republic/Czechoslovakia got gold medal in judo...

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11. YNWA,

Unusually we are Great Britain in the Olympics and England in most other sports. For those that don't know GB is The United Kingdom witch is England, Scotland and Wales plus Northern Ireland. We also claim other British territories that have no Olimpic Associations such as Anguilla in the West Indies. I believe we have a 200 M runner from that Carribean Island.

We should get more Golds in the Rowing and the cycling. Also can Mo get another 5 and 10 K double.

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12. Raki,

Well, we've got our first gold in this olympics with Penny Oleksiak winning in the 100M free style I was talking about. She tied with an American.
Congrats Krrish on that gold, I know a lot of people are enjoying the rugby 7's, it's here to stay. The Canadien Women also wan brons against Great Brittan a few days ago in the 7's.

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Last edited by Raki, Aug 12 2016 13:31:08

13. Lemonade,

So far, we got some medals in cycling, rowing and... Something else, I forgot. But overall we're not doing as well as everyone's hoping, our swimmers are all failing, same for judo pretty much. And people were expecting medals from there. But we still have some chances, especially with wind surfing, athletics and hockey.

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14. afrim,

We have a medal too, not sure if it is gold or anything like that. Just know that we have a medal and that's enough :)

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15. Daredevil,

The Australian Olympics are doing so much better this Olympics compared to the London Olympics. We're currently in fourth spot on the medal tally. Just behind USA, China and Japan.

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