jass tournament draw

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1. Cristina ,

Hello all!

It has been more than four years, (soon will be five), since we had the last jass tournament.
As I remember, the organizers were Mayank and Sektor and the winners were Mistborn with silly-soda-mommy.
At that time the jass was possible to be played just in teams, not as it is now, when there are more variants.
My favorite one is the apple variant, with 3 players, therefore I have decided to choose this for the jass tournament, what I plan to organize next month.
Anyway, This tournament is not expected to be large because there are not many players who can play jass. But, if anyone would be interested to learn how to play and would like to participate, I can help anytime.
I did not decide yet about date and time, when this tournament will take place. Depending on how much interest it generates, I will form a final plan.
If any of you is interested to participate, please subscribe here, on this topic, or contact me privately.
Please, also mention if you would like to play during week or weekend and around what time, (UK time), if you can convert if no I will do it.
I hope all of us will enjoy this tournament and will have a nice time together.
Kind regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Jul 28 2017 19:52:53

2. alesia,

oo helo, very good... count me please

Score: +0

3. Nikola,

Hello, i'd like to sign up. I can play both during the week and weekend.

Score: +0

4. musiclover,

i can play jass
put me

Score: +0

5. Fawaz,

Count me in

Score: +0

6. Lemonade,

I'm in!

Score: +0

7. rockstar2013,

Count me in as well, please, though I'm In India, so I think I'll be able to play. Thank you in advance.

Score: +0

8. Sevrior,

I'm in as well

Score: +0

9. Angelina-princess,

Yo, I'm in & I would like to play on weekends, thanks & cheers!

Score: +0

10. Cristina ,

Hello all!

Ok, all of you are in and thanks for subscribing.
We are so far 12 participants already and my plan is to run it with 18. i would like to start it on friday, the 11th of august and conclude on sunday, the 13th.
The starting time would be 16:00 (4 pM) UK time for each day.
If any of you can not play on that weekend, please let me know and I will try my best to find a solution.
i will give further informations about the structure of this tournament, when I will have 18 participants I need.
Kind regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

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