The matches for semi-final of jass tournament

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1. Cristina ,

Hello all!

The draw for the jass tournament has been done yesterday, many thanks to Fawaz, who helped me with this and Marina7, who assisted us.

The matches are as follow:
Friday, on the 11th of august, starting time 16:00 )4 PM) UK time:

1. Rockstar, BastiBasti, Marina7

2. Nicola, Ynwa, Prabhu

3. Me-me, Everyone, Romania2017

Saturday, on the12th of august, starting time 16:00 (4 PM) UK time:

1. Sevrior, Angelina-princess, Taper

2. Cristina, Guliwer, Alesia

3. Tehseen, Fawaz, Aurel

Note: Angelina-princess will help me with hosting her match, because I can not be online saturday at that time. The other two matches will be played later.
There are some players on the standby list, so please inform me if any of you can not play or need to play later a bit.

Sunday, on the 13th of august the tournament will conclude, the starting time will be the same, 16:00 (4 PM) UK time, on that day will be played the matches of semi-final and final.
The winners of each match, so 6 players, will play in semi-final, and the winners of those 2 matches plus a lucky loser, will play in the final.

The score limit will increase by one points in every stage respectively. It will be as follow:
9 points for the first stage, 10 for semi-final and 11 for the final.

If any of you need further informations, please contact me privately.

Jass is an awesome game, so, et's have fun together and make it an enjoyable event for all of us who will take part in this tournament as players or even spectators.
Kind regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Aug 8 2017 01:27:30

2. rockstar2013,

Thank you for posting the match schedule, it'll help me a lot. And yes, I'll be available for the tournament, and I eagerly await the start of this fantastic event.

Score: +0

3. musiclover,

i am not in that

Score: +0

4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

LOL if you are not in that then why did you comment

Score: +0

5. Cristina ,

Hello guys!

I would like to thank all, who participated in the first round of the jass tournament.
It was a smooth one and we had just one absentee, something unknown has happened to prabhu, who did not turn up to play his match. Therefore I had to replace him and thank to undertaker, who agreed to take his spot.
There were some very nice matches, but unfortunately, due to low number of players who can play jass, I was forced to choose a structure, which did not allow to the participants to play more than one match in the first round of the tournament.
Six players went through, they are in semi-final and the matches of it are as follow:

1. Angelina-princess Nikola Tehseen

2. Marina7 Me-me Guliwer

The starting time will be the same, 16:00 (4 PM) UK time, hope to have again some exciting matches and a lot of fun.
The match of the final will be played by the winners of those two matches of the semi-final plus a lucky loser.

So, let's see who will be that lucky loser, smile.

Wish you all good luck!
Kind regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

6. Nikola,

Hi, why are you choosing a lucky loser and not one with the highest score? If 2 persons have the same score then yeah you can choose a random one between those 2.
Good luck to all of you!

Score: +0

7. Cristina ,

The lucky loser is what you've said.

Score: +0

8. boo-boo,


Score: +0

9. Nikola,

Don't be sad about it, be lucky :)

Score: +0

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