Playroom whatsapp group - join us!

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1. His-girlfriend ,

Hello all.
I have written about it here some time ago, but there are new people or may be somebody started using smartphone and can join us now. If you would like to know some playroom players by voice, talk about anything with playroom guys, just write me private message with your number and I will add you. The tradition is that the person who joines tell about her or himself at the beggining.
The group is not very active at the moment but the new members can change it. I still believe people can enjoy being together.
Many greetings and see you there.


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2. Peggy_Bella420,

Hey can you Riyadh me into the group? I had left it a while ago when I used to be in it because it was really dead. I will send you my number

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3. rockstar2013,

Hey there,
I would like to be added to the WhatsApp group as well. I'll send the phone number privately, though.

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4. marie ,

Hello all! im a canadian girl and i'd like to practice my english so if this group is created i could join you...
good heavening!

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5. Peggy_Bella420,

Yeah it would be awesome to be back in the group for me since I hardly have time to get on play room to play any games these days. I only get about 5 minutes at the most or less and the WhatsApp group is the best way I can be the most active with the playroom community.

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6. free-flying-bird,

I, too, would like to join. I'll send you my number now.

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7. Mohammedradwan2003,

me to i will sen my number once i see you

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8. Peggy_Bella420,

Is there a link to join?

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9. TophBeifong,

Hi guys, i'd like to joind, my phone is: +58...0

Edit by Aminiel: be careful not to give any phone number publicly. This kind of information has to be sent in private.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Apr 28 2018 16:43:39

10. Exink,

Hi, I've not been active on the group but it's nice that you want it to be back. Let's see if we are able to keep it more active than before. Thanks. PS: And when I say Thanks it's not only for this announcement... Hmm...

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11. Peggy_Bella420,

Yeah I was hoping the action would pick up soon but that group has always been a low-traffic group. Hopefully it will pick up in the coming week to the weekend

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