please help me about my problem in chess

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1. tiny,

hi all, i want to coppy my last chess game moves and keep it for annalizing, but i just forgot to press shift h and do it before my last move. now how i can get it, i really need it!

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2. Nikola,

I do not think you can. Either you press shift h and do it there, or if you know you want to keep your games configure Playroom to save your histories automatically.

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3. tiny,

finding the game in a saved history file is a little hard, specially if we play several other games. but, the serious problem is that server saves all we can see in screen, global messages, table messages, private messages, public chats... that's why i didn't configure it. but if we could at least set it to save just games like when we set to read just some of those, it could be very useful than now

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4. Nikola,

Just use the search function in a text editor and type something like pawn, which will make it easier by showing you just chess games. You can save a specific view, but not auto save at the moment. IT will anyways require a client update so for now this is the only solution.

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5. tiny,

how can i do it? saving a specific view manually.

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6. Lemonade,

You can press f9 and choose the save history in a file... From there. Alternatively, if you hit alt+2 to only view game info with the pageup=pagedown keys, you can choose save current view in a file instead. Of course, this won't work if you've already closed the client, so I'm afraid it won't help you now. But you can certainly do it next time you want to save the chess moves.

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7. tiny,

o, i can seriously say it's very good than saving a whole history automaticly, i think we all want a particular thing from history not all of it, so i wish we didn't have saving whole history to a file automaticly, but instead we had saving current particular view to a file automaticly! so i hope this option happens in the future. even if they remove the saving whole history to a file option, i don't mind personally, because we will have a very better option than this one!

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8. Lemonade,

Don't you get this option when you press f9? Because I do.

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9. Nikola,

Everybody does, but the original poster wants a view to be saved automatically. For histories, you have a way for every history to be automatically saved in it's own file for each day so you can keep your Playroom histories. Saving of views automatically is currently not possible and maybe it can be added.

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