Accessible Skype

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1. Giovani ,

I have updated My skype, but misstakenly.
Now, I can't log in to accessible Skype, which is Skype 7. Please, do You know some alternative solutions?
Thank You.

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2. bogdanmuresan,

Hi. The only sollution is to uninstal it and install the classic one. You can find it on Go and download the classic version. You will find it on the tablet section. Don't know why, but here it is.

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3. Mohammedradwan2003,

a surprise to all , from the next vergion of skype you can download it normaly from microsoft website , enjoy

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4. Giovani ,

There is nothing to enjoy.

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5. play_romania1,

I heared that at the ultimate version of skype is changed the interface, but i don't know that is really.

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6. Mohammedradwan2003,

it is really

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7. StormProductions,

Skype 8 starts to suck.

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8. prince-makusu ,

Actually, it will be a mobile phone based interface

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9. Mohammedradwan2003,

yes it will be

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10. StormProductions,

Skype 8 is not so good in my opinion.

Settings are limited, answering to a call is a big deal because you don't have a proper shortcut for that, etc.

So I managed to switch back to Skype 7, which can now be downloaded from FileHippo. Google it and you'll find the best result for you.

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11. Nikola,

Answering calls: As soon as you get one, focus is placed on call controls so you technically do not need shortcuts. As I have said before yes, settings are a bit limited but first it might improve in a future update, and second it's how it will be since 1st of september anyways so file hippo wont really help you then.

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12. Minionslayer,

Is it the same as the microsoft store version of skype? Or different.

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13. Nikola,

Those are 2 different applications.

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14. Amine,

it's a web version of the phone skype app.

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15. TowerAlphaTheta15,

which is shit, let me say, because, in old skype, you'd wonder what the hek was going on, in old skype, if someone showed up as away but the call would still go through and it would show, but on new skype, it just doesn't ring but like, in my opinion, skype7= better than skype8=shit

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16. Nikola,

Yeah that makes so much sense. Skype does ring when you are away.

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17. Mazdak ,

But how to set status as away in the new?

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18. Nikola,

It's called inactive. You can do it either through the system tray icon, or in the program by going to your profile.

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19. Mazdak ,

I only have active, do not disturb, and invisible on my profile. I can do nothing when I'm clicking to the skype on my system tray, nothing appears in the screen to choos.

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20. Nikola,

You must use object navigation in the system tray, it is an electro bug.

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21. Mazdak ,

How do I use object navigation? Could you please explain more?

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22. Nikola,

I'm sorry, but that is out of scope for this topic. Check your NVDA user manual.

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23. Minionslayer,

While I did find Skype 7 better in most things, I think I can get used to Skype 8

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