alter aeon account sell

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1. wolfi,

hey if any of you guys plays alter aeon and wants to buy an account with 2 high level characters and a mid character for a reasonable price please send me a mudmail on alter, my char name is #####

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, May 21 2019 05:28:48

2. DarthSidious ,

Thought advertising was not allowed...

Score: +0

3. Lemonade,

I think that's correct.

Score: +0

4. Vojvoda ,

Ehm, maybe we could close one ear and say it's OK, he's selling an account for a random game. It's not some online business company, product or such. Many people were advertising their YT channels, web pages etc

Score: +0

5. Aminiel,

Additionnally to the fact that that kind of announcement isn't allowed on the playroom, I'm not sure that Alter Aeon would support such a practice.

It is usually perfectly allowed to give up your account to someone else if you don't want to continue playing.
However, as far as I know, many RPG disallow doing it for money. It encourages character farming/leveling for resell, as well as a certain form of black market.

Alter Aeon is of course far from generating millions of dollars, but given that it is a totally free game, I'm pretty sure that they don't want this.

So, this topic is now closed.

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, May 21 2019 17:34:48

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