Discord Canary

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1. george,

Hey guys, I have recently discovered the accesible version of discord which is alled Discord Canary.
I encountered some weird errors at the logging in the app on windows 10, also on my Iphone. After I fill the e-mail and password fields, I press the login button. Then I have to check the checkbox I'm not a robot and select some images to confirm that.
THe problem is after I select with a nonvisual impaired the squares with the images wished I receive a mail in which they say I must confirm it's me pressing on a link below in mail so that my dvice i'm trying to log in gets alowed to conect to my acount. But the page which opens after clicking the link given by them is a 404 error.
Can you give me a piece of help with that?
THank's in advance.

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2. Amine,

Maybe try using the newest version of discord? It's more accessible than discord has ever been.

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3. Alan1003,

Just use skype, discord is for sighted people skype is the most accesable, plus, it comes free on yore windows.

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4. Stealthy,

I strongly disagree with the last post. Skype has nothing to do with and is not similar to discord

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5. JMouse,

Skype, no! Discord? Hell yes! I use it and I'm apart of some servers, plus got a server of my own. This, has nothing to do with skype, so why even justify that skype is more accessible. Discord is free to so that's out the windo.

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6. Alan1003,

wooooooooooo! All my friends, discord discord ddiissccoorrdd, but me, Skype yaaaa, discord, boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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7. george,

I strongly disagree with the skype too. Discord is more modern, safer, has a great sound, etc. I solved my problem. I'm using both Discord and Discord Canary.

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8. Alan1003,

SKYPE, THE BEST! DISCORD, WHAT ? NO WAY MAN! I think skype ringtone is better! discord, server server server!

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9. Ramon-Salazar,

I disagree with the posts: 6 and 8.

Discoard is the best and even has a very high quality, compaired to Skype which the sound system is mono and low quality

In Discord you can add your friends to your list, chatting and calling them, You can create and join servers if you wish
I'recently have a server, and I use discord since 2015, and because of how active it is I left skype almost for ever.

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Last edited by Ramon-Salazar, May 15 2020 05:56:41

10. Nikola,

How is Discord stereo? Just wondering since you say Skype's audio system is mono.
Anyway I can't take post 8 seriously.

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11. Alan1003,

Ok, thisis setled!
We don't have to like skype/discord, we can like what we like.

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