Statistics: French tarot

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General game statistics of French tarot

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 9 (2.33%) 377 (97.67%) 386 (1.6%)
English 467 (23.08%) 1 556 (76.92%) 2 023 (8.39%)
Español 4 (1.31%) 301 (98.69%) 305 (1.26%)
Français 932 (4.57%) 19 459 (95.43%) 20 391 (84.56%)
Italiano 0 (0%) 465 (100%) 465 (1.93%)
Português 0 (0%) 55 (100%) 55 (0.23%)
русский 1 (0.21%) 483 (99.79%) 484 (2.01%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 4 (100%) 4 (0.02%)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Total 1 413 (5.86%) 22 700 (94.14%) 24 113
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (20%) 4 (80%) 5 (0%)
Deutsch 100 (0.94%) 10 506 (99.06%) 10 606 (3.22%)
English 3 187 (10.58%) 26 937 (89.42%) 30 124 (9.16%)
Español 44 (0.63%) 6 905 (99.37%) 6 949 (2.11%)
Français 8 219 (3.05%) 261 691 (96.95%) 269 910 (82.06%)
Italiano 14 (0.2%) 6 979 (99.8%) 6 993 (2.13%)
Português 0 (0%) 1 296 (100%) 1 296 (0.39%)
русский 5 (0.17%) 2 858 (99.83%) 2 863 (0.87%)
Srpski 3 (1.8%) 164 (98.2%) 167 (0.05%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Total 11 573 (3.52%) 317 341 (96.48%) 328 914

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games24 1146.2543.76187.52 283
Rounds328 91885.27596.92 55831 143
Rounds in finished games183 29547.52332.61 42617 355

Approximatively 55.73% of the games are played to their end, while 44.27% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. alli: 40 791 rounds played
  2. mimiberthe: 36 034 rounds played
  3. Patcarbo: 10 359 rounds played
  4. chipss : 10 254 rounds played
  5. juliencorto: 9 548 rounds played
  6. beauvaisien: 7 316 rounds played
  7. orangina : 6 407 rounds played
  8. zenn: 5 150 rounds played
  9. chipss : 4 889 rounds played
  10. bobinette: 4 533 rounds played
  11. richard-coeur-de-lyon: 4 479 rounds played
  12. michel.BERTHE: 4 299 rounds played
  13. randylechevalierdemalte: 4 277 rounds played
  14. alesia: 4 102 rounds played
  15. bill: 3 719 rounds played
  16. dumbolatrompette: 3 648 rounds played
  17. koko: 3 567 rounds played
  18. sinao: 3 551 rounds played
  19. antcap: 3 457 rounds played
  20. jimi64: 3 381 rounds played
  21. ponponnette: 3 357 rounds played
  22. lelorrain13: 3 105 rounds played
  23. michka: 2 625 rounds played
  24. Katari: 2 573 rounds played
  25. Tita: 2 556 rounds played
  26. maradona: 2 481 rounds played
  27. renard: 2 335 rounds played
  28. aurel: 2 202 rounds played
  29. Guitare: 2 200 rounds played
  30. balout47: 2 185 rounds played

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