Statistics: Ninety nine

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General game statistics of Ninety nine

Last reset: Mar 8 2014 15:36:03

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (50%) 1 (50%) 2 (0%)
Deutsch 913 (23.33%) 3 000 (76.67%) 3 913 (0.23%)
English 304 667 (39.44%) 467 741 (60.56%) 772 408 (44.7%)
Español 108 728 (31.99%) 231 184 (68.01%) 339 912 (19.67%)
Français 46 459 (22.95%) 155 968 (77.05%) 202 427 (11.72%)
Italiano 34 519 (23.58%) 111 889 (76.42%) 146 408 (8.47%)
Português 70 715 (33.62%) 139 644 (66.38%) 210 359 (12.17%)
русский 14 737 (30.71%) 33 255 (69.29%) 47 992 (2.78%)
Srpski 1 346 (30.54%) 3 062 (69.46%) 4 408 (0.26%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Total 582 085 (33.69%) 1 145 745 (66.31%) 1 727 830
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
4 (50%) 4 (50%) 8 (0%)
Deutsch 4 724 (20.57%) 18 239 (79.43%) 22 963 (0.22%)
English 1 866 221 (37.61%) 3 095 877 (62.39%) 4 962 098 (46.67%)
Español 574 349 (27.85%) 1 487 593 (72.15%) 2 061 942 (19.39%)
Français 267 465 (21.94%) 951 421 (78.06%) 1 218 886 (11.46%)
Italiano 159 665 (20.91%) 603 857 (79.09%) 763 522 (7.18%)
Português 449 594 (34.57%) 850 879 (65.43%) 1 300 473 (12.23%)
русский 74 516 (26.81%) 203 460 (73.19%) 277 976 (2.61%)
Srpski 6 803 (27.49%) 17 941 (72.51%) 24 744 (0.23%)
0 (0%) 8 (100%) 8 (0%)
Total 3 403 341 (32.01%) 7 229 279 (67.99%) 10 632 620

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~1 727 862466.73 26714 001170 461
~Rounds~10 632 7752 87220 10486 1601 048 971
~RoundsInFinishedGames~8 979 5202 42516 97872 763885 870

Approximatively 84.45% of the games are played to their end, while 15.55% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. pistachio: 82 113 rounds played
  2. enerji: 73 091 rounds played
  3. ghost: 58 394 rounds played
  4. Price14: 45 466 rounds played
  5. capitaine-picard: 45 097 rounds played
  6. bilinmezadam: 39 537 rounds played
  7. mamoute: 36 910 rounds played
  8. pipiou: 34 709 rounds played
  9. euclides: 34 582 rounds played
  10. Ptitshapi: 30 360 rounds played
  11. attilio: 30 045 rounds played
  12. betito: 29 693 rounds played
  13. burhan123: 28 960 rounds played
  14. aboassem: 28 954 rounds played
  15. leoalfa: 28 822 rounds played
  16. palmiye: 28 678 rounds played
  17. lecceseforever: 28 577 rounds played
  18. hektor: 26 639 rounds played
  19. pinguino: 25 576 rounds played
  20. yenilmezadam: 25 049 rounds played
  21. delipoyraz: 24 622 rounds played
  22. thanhson2002: 24 403 rounds played
  23. tiny: 23 642 rounds played
  24. denni52: 23 312 rounds played
  25. grandmother: 22 880 rounds played
  26. crismaldon85: 22 410 rounds played
  27. miroslav: 22 396 rounds played
  28. Kjames424: 22 339 rounds played
  29. Josette-A-M: 22 224 rounds played
  30. leone45: 21 743 rounds played

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