Statistics: 1000 miles

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General game statistics of 1000 miles

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 1 654 (6.2%) 25 027 (93.8%) 26 681 (0.86%)
English 353 740 (28.73%) 877 717 (71.27%) 1 231 457 (39.77%)
Español 129 587 (22.27%) 452 312 (77.73%) 581 899 (18.79%)
Français 71 070 (14.85%) 407 394 (85.15%) 478 464 (15.45%)
Italiano 24 959 (11.23%) 197 220 (88.77%) 222 179 (7.18%)
Português 142 838 (29.94%) 334 241 (70.06%) 477 079 (15.41%)
русский 6 155 (9.07%) 61 738 (90.93%) 67 893 (2.19%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 3 002 (32%) 6 380 (68%) 9 382 (0.3%)
0 (0%) 2 (100%) 2 (0%)
Total 733 005 (23.68%) 2 362 032 (76.32%) 3 095 037
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
2 (50%) 2 (50%) 4 (0%)
Deutsch 8 485 (6.97%) 113 164 (93.03%) 121 649 (0.86%)
English 1 400 575 (22.9%) 4 715 734 (77.1%) 6 116 309 (43.45%)
Español 431 067 (18.85%) 1 855 499 (81.15%) 2 286 566 (16.24%)
Français 292 487 (13.17%) 1 928 054 (86.83%) 2 220 541 (15.78%)
Italiano 94 027 (9.71%) 874 356 (90.29%) 968 383 (6.88%)
Português 522 236 (26.12%) 1 476 833 (73.88%) 1 999 069 (14.2%)
русский 23 618 (7.37%) 297 020 (92.63%) 320 638 (2.28%)
0 (0%) 6 (100%) 6 (0%)
Srpski 11 782 (31.18%) 26 008 (68.82%) 37 790 (0.27%)
0 (0%) 5 (100%) 5 (0%)
Total 2 784 279 (19.79%) 11 286 681 (80.21%) 14 070 960

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~3 096 077831.55 82124 946303 708
~Rounds~14 075 7813 78026 463113 4121 380 757
~RoundsInFinishedGames~10 714 4622 87820 14386 3291 051 030

Approximatively 76.12% of the games are played to their end, while 23.88% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. joel: 65 357 rounds played
  2. picasso-pablo: 57 961 rounds played
  3. tourterelle: 57 115 rounds played
  4. ronph: 56 685 rounds played
  5. mahir-kerimov: 56 238 rounds played
  6. murray.r: 50 857 rounds played
  7. lematou17: 46 131 rounds played
  8. dusuneninsan: 46 044 rounds played
  9. luisfernandes27: 43 904 rounds played
  10. kayodo: 41 719 rounds played
  11. juvepersempre: 39 766 rounds played
  12. delipoyraz: 39 681 rounds played
  13. liiss: 39 095 rounds played
  14. neandertalecgame: 38 593 rounds played
  15. silviayotto: 38 399 rounds played
  16. Butterfly925: 34 606 rounds played
  17. mamidan: 34 266 rounds played
  18. mariabatistabraga: 34 197 rounds played
  19. bouchon: 33 861 rounds played
  20. iuli45: 33 588 rounds played
  21. thanhson2002: 33 222 rounds played
  22. geaigeaizenn: 32 811 rounds played
  23. bruna1971: 32 525 rounds played
  24. tigresse: 31 835 rounds played
  25. silveriomorais: 31 609 rounds played
  26. mestre: 31 530 rounds played
  27. lebaroudeur: 30 711 rounds played
  28. rahim123: 30 330 rounds played
  29. miriam: 30 253 rounds played
  30. bugati: 29 413 rounds played

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