Uno league, conference three, week 6

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Resultado: +0

1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
Apologies once more for the matches to be posted this late. Here are all matches for week six for conference three. I will also like to add that do not bother telling me you have played your opponent previously. As my conference is down to 12 players, this cannot be avoided. Lastly, should you refuse to play your opponent, you will affectively be forfeiting your match and a point will be awarded to your opponent. Now, the matches:
Basket v Jscholes,,
Eirin v Clarice-Starling,,
daliber v Guliwer,
Jscholes v daliber,
Basket v Clarice-Starling,,
Eirin v Ilhan,
Table two,
JasonGraceTheDutchAce v Braillekid,
Braillekid v Christina,
Ilhan v Flavyanu,
Cristi85 v JasonGraceTheDutchAce,
Flavyanu v Christina,
Guliwer v Cristi85.
If you have any questions, or found any inconsistencies, IE a person only having one match, feel free letting me know and I will correct it.

Resultado: +0

2. fire-starter,

i think i cannot be available this sunday. I have to do some stuff for school and have a meeting with family. so i don't know. Maybe i should play my match tomorrow?

Resultado: +0

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