can i join us?

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1. solan,

but, i do not, know about this game., any one please can explain to me?

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

The playroom is a platform for blind and visually impaired provides online and different card games by different variants and a multilingual client. Now it's available for Windows and a web client for all mobile kinds onto their web browsers. Simply you can create your own table and then players join you, otherwise you can play with bot by pressing "B" to invite a bot, Shift+B to remove a bot.
For more informations, read the readme file in QCG path.
The readme as it is below.
Welcome to the playroom, the new game platform by QuentinC !
The playroom will allow you to play well known cards or board games online in a directly accessible environment. Screen readers Jaws, NVDA, Window eye, system access and supernova are automatically detected.
At the moment, 13 games are available such as uno, poker, monopoly and 1000 miles.
During and between the games which are going to be fast interesting, you can also chat with other people.
And if infortunately nobody can play with you, you can still play with the computer at most of the games.


  1. Preparation
  2. Connect and play
  3. Summary of global hotkeys

1 - Preparation
Before being able to play, you must have an account on the website.
If it is not the case, go to or click on the « create account » button on first run of the program.
Choose an username and a password. You will then receive an e-mail containing a validation link which will definitely activate your account.
All that should not take you more than 5 minutes.

2 - Connect and play
At program start, enter your username and password in the corresponding edit zones, then press enter or click on the « connect » button.
You will then be inside the playroom and you will be able to start playing, either by creating a new table and waiting for your friends, or by joining an existing one.
The rest of the interface works essentially with menus where you make your choice with arrow keys and enter.
There are also many hotkeys, specific to the game you are playing, or in general in the playroom.

To look at the game rules and specific hotkeys of a particular game, go to in the corresponding subtopic, or press Ctrl+F1 to directly open the game rule page during a game.

3 - Summary of general playroom hotkeys
These hotkeys works all the time.
Q : quit table
W : who list
X : stop game currently in progress without leaving the table
F1 : get a short help about hotkeys for the current game
Ctrl+F1 : open the detailled game rules page of the current game
F2 : send a message to administrators and moderators to signal a technical problem or an inadequate behavior.
F3 : spectator mode on/off. That mode allow you to watch other players on a table without playing but still being able to chat
F4: open options dialog
F5/F6 : background audio streams volume up/down
F7/F8 : sound volume up/down
Ctrl+F5 : music on/off
Ctrl+F6 : SAPI voice on/off
Ctrl+F7/Ctrl+F8: increase/decrease SAPI voice rate
F11 : resynchronization request
F12 : save history to file
Home/end : go to first or last message in the history
page up/Down : go to next or previous message in the history
Ctrl+S : save current game, if the game allows that

I hope it helps. Best regards, Coco.

Resultado: +0

3. MRMagenta,

But, this document is totally unupdated. So, it may be better to ask one of the users o\all reddy here for help. I am shoore that they help.
Best regards.

Resultado: +0

4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

It doesn't need to be updated. And it helps of course, if he wants to ask us. Personally I'm willing to help as I can

Resultado: +0

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