groups for the spades tournament

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1. the-raven ,

Group 1:
1st match: Diamond, Cherry-Blossum and Alecia
2nd match: Aisha, Undertaker and Jaggu.Hal
3rd match: Fawaz, Angelina-princess and The-Raven

Group 2:
1st match: Zulfqar007, Chips andCupid
2nd match: Mogosog, Faraz and Adventure-Time
3rd match: Johnny, Badgirl and Basket

Group 3:
1st match: Earthquake, Teardrop and Policeman1
2nd match: Serbian, Flower17 and Furki
3rd match: Afrim, Sunny and MagicalKrrish

Regards, The-Raven and Basket

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2. musiclover,

i am not in

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3. Epic_Krrish,

hey just a question, how will you be forming the semi-finals, from what i understood is that the winners of each match respectively will be facing off each other in that group to determine the winner of the group, leaving us with only 3 winners of the groups .so referring to the initial post when you was registering states that "This means that there will be 3 groups of 9 people, meaning 3 games in each group. The winners from each group will play against each other in the semi-finals and the winners from the semi-finals will go to the final round". This still sounds bit confuse please clarify more?

Regards Krrish.

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Última edición por Epic_Krrish, 10.08.2016 02:06:28

4. Cristina ,

as I could understand, there will be: 3 groups with 3 matches, the winner of each match will move to semi-final, what will be formed also from 3 matches with three players and the winners of each match will play in final.
So, it will be an unusual semi-final, because it will be with 3 matches and not 2, but it seems that it will work.
It will be something new, but still well thought.
Good luck guys!
Regards Cristina

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5. afrim,

Crisho, be ready!

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6. the-raven ,

correct Cristina, because there will be 3 matches in the semi-finals, we'll have 3 people going to the final in the end. this Means that we'll have 3 people from each Group going to the semi-finals. Those 3 people in each Group will play Against each other

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Última edición por the-raven , 10.08.2016 16:29:12

7. YNWA,

Good luck to everybody taking part in the Spades tournament. Don't worry about getting too many sandbags as they will beuseful for the winter!

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