bk3 translater bug

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1. Alan1003,

i got the translater for, bk3, but it's not working all it is still japanees.

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2. MuhammadHajjar,

How did you install the dictionary?

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3. Alan1003,

i baught it.

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4. godfather,

um duh, it costs money. Of course you baught it or cracked or whatever. he asked the process of your install not how you got it.

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5. MuhammadHajjar,

Yep, I meant the procedures you've applied to try to get that working. You can check the provided readme file for your refrance.

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6. Alan1003,

i pasted it in every folder. output, data, main folder, etc.

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7. Nikola,

As far as I remember, there is even no output folder in BK3. However, you simply paste the dict.dat file in the main game folder and it should work.

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8. Alan1003,

oh did i get the rong game? oops. is it a side scroler, yes?`

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9. Nikola,

Probably not. The output folder maybe appears if you have the game configured to save the combat log after a stage ends, so that's why I don't have it, since I never used that feature.

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10. Alan1003,

maybe i got rong game? it's jumping ofer walls and falling in water, is this correct?

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11. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah it is.
Taken from the readme,

1 Apply the latest update:The game wouldn't load the dictionary pack file without it.
2 copy the dictionary : put dict.dat to the game folder without changing the filename.
3 run or restart the game : The dictionary file will be automatically unpacked and the game language will be set to English. Done!


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12. Alan1003,

i tried running up exem i can't read the readme, it's still not working, is bk3 side scroler when you fall in water there is cat on other side and walking on rocks?

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13. Nikola,

The dictionary does not translate the readme. It isn't very important, the first level is a tutorial. You run play.exe to start the game, up is just the updator. I'm sure you can read the description on the audiogames forum to find out what the game is about.

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Última edición por Nikola, 02.07.2020 21:06:28

14. Alan1003,

do you only need a dat file? or also do you need pack file?

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15. Nikola,

MuhammadHajjar tells you everything you need to know. If it says that you should copy the dict.dat file, you probably don't need anything else.

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16. Alan1003,

ok i psted in it and still not work i installed game via nn3 setup.exe is this right?
*pasted the dictionary

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17. marmarmar,

Maybe you did it right but the game didn't switch the language for some reason. So you need to set it in settings menu.
For translating the menus, use jgt or the nvda translate addon.
If that doesn't work as well, then look for a folder called dict in the main game folder.
There should be over 190 files inside it.
If this folder was not created, then that must be your pc's fault.

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18. Alan1003,

nlindgamers.com error 404

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19. marmarmar,

Then do the following:
After skipping the logo, press 3 times down arrow, then enter, then, if you have the end key, press it, then up arrow once.
If you don't have the end key, press down arrow 7 times to get to the language selection button.
Press enter. You are now in a submenu.
Look for an option called English and choose it.
Now, if you found it, choose the last option to save settings and restart the game.
If you didn't find an option called english, then you didn't instal the dictionary properly.

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20. Alan1003,

the submen u will not let me us up down left right home end etc

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21. marmarmar,

I think you're missing a file.
Look in the directory where you installed the game for a file called dict_adt.dat
If you don't have it there, look for it in the downloaded package.
If it's there, copy it into the directory where bk3 is installed.
But if it's not, you should immediately report this to the developer, because anyone who buys the dictionary will not be able to use it, like you.
I bought the dictionary afew years ago and it worked. But after one of the recent dictionary updates, I noticed this new file in the directory where I installed the game.

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22. Alan1003,

ya know what? i just want the jgt addon google ddrive link. so i don't have to deal with dat files and pasting.

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23. Nikola,

That is pointless. The addon works online, so to use it you must be able to access blindgamers.com as well as create an account on it.

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24. Alan1003,

ok. i am getting a, "this sight can't be reached." so i don't even know anymore

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25. marmarmar,

You should look for an alternative.
I can confirm the website sometimes is not working. As a result, I can translate nothing.
There is an addon called
nvda translation addon
Try finding it. If you can't find it, I may upload it to google drive.

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26. Alan1003,

ok thanks. the vertion i am using is 2017 so you can send me that one, and do you need paypal for jgt? i don't want it at the moment.

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27. Nikola,

No, JGT is free.

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28. marmarmar,

If you're really using the nvda 2017, then even the nvda translation addon won't work, because it was designed for the latest nvda.

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29. Alan1003,

how do you creat account/
for jgt?

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30. marmarmar,

There's nothing special, just go to the developer's website and there's a register link.
You need to enter a valid e-mail address, because you will need to confirm it by clicking a link sent to the address you specify to be able to use jgt.

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