Games is Not Easy

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1. albaghdadi ,

Hello my Friends dears
my Name is Sajad

I do not know I play some tables, Because they are difficult So much, For example this the Games
Poker Texas Holdem

Games easy, i Love her, She.

1000 miles
Free Table
But, I do not know I play other More Of The Games
Greetings to you

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2. Mimi ,

Why did you post this in Bug reports? I think it's not the correct place for this topic!

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3. Riad,

I don't think this should be posted at all. If you find some games hard, than simply ignore them. I'd like here, after my 7-month playrooming career, to thank Aminiel a lot for his programming skills, as well as all the admins for all their efforts. After all this time, I've got to play 20 games quite easily, but this requires practicing, HTH.

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4. gaurasuryavanshi,

this is not the right place. read the rules and then think on whether the games are easy or not?

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5. mayya,

topic replaced

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5 mensajes, 1 páginas:  1 ↖ Volver a la lista de temas

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