Upcoming Holiday Spades Tournament

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Score: +0

1. GodSaveTheQueen,

Good morning all. I am hosting a holiday spades tournament that will be coming up soon, and am looking for 11 teams, plus a team consisting of myself and a partner yet to be determined, to partake. The tournament will start at ten AM Eastern Time on Tuesday December 27, 2022. The format will be as follows: six games will be first, one team versus another with normal settings and a score of 300. The six winners will advance, the six losing teams will be eliminated. The six teams will then play in another knockout round, three games of one team versus another. Again the 3 losing teams will be eliminated, leaving just 3. At this point, the scores of all 3 teams in there past two matches will be added together, the lowest scoring team will also be eliminated. The final two teams will play for the championship, with again normal settings but a score of 500. Please put your team name in here, or else just your name and I will work to find you a partner. Hoping to see you there.

Score: +1

2. unolover,

I would like to join with some one

Score: +0

3. GodSaveTheQueen,

Another call for any players, if we do not get at least six teams I will have to cal lit off

Score: +0

4. M.Imran.khan,

I am awailable

Score: +0

5. jesse,

i don't know how pades work

Score: +0

6. AlirezaDarkk,

Hello. I'd like to register, however I do not have a team. Please put me on a team or something if possible, thank you.

Score: +1

7. kaido,


Score: +0

8. Magic_Johnson,

Hello, I'd like to participate and I'm going to talk to a friend who maybe can be on the team with me

Score: +0

9. GodSaveTheQueen,

hey guys. so unfortunately we have not ggotten nearly enough participants to have this tournament. stay tuned and I will reschedule for sometime in the new year. merry Christmas and ahppy holidays to all

Score: +0

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