1000 miles tournament

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

Score: -7

1. jesse,

hi, it is time for a tournament.
so i am going to start the tournament ad14.00 [dutch time].
if you want to join, you are welkom.

Score: -1

2. ibraheemmohsen,

there is no information.

Score: +0

3. Nikola,

you might be a new person here, so I'll explain.

Typically, tournaments aren't held like this, with just one day notice. You should ideally announce your tournament at least a week in advance, so that people can register and you can make a good format.

There should also be clear information about the rules/options being used, and the format you decided to choose. By the format, I mean something like whether there will be a group stage, an eliminations stage right away, something like that.

If you are interested to organize a successful tournament in the future, I advise looking at a very well written topic right at the top of the tournaments forum for some good tips. It can also be found at https://qcsalon.net/en/forum49/topic65430

Feel free to message if you need any help or have some further questions, and I certainly hope to see another tournament.

Good luck.

Score: +2

4. burhanudin,

cant me join?

Score: +0

5. sneha,

hi guys I am not nue but I am nue to tournaments, so can you pleace tell how to join
, I have intrested in 1000 miles

Score: +0

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