congrachulations to Medhansh to win the uno turnament:

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Score: +1

1. medhansh,

hay all, in the great finals of Medhansh vs. stupid bot, Medhansh defeated stupid bot. scores: Medhansh 134 and stupid bot 253. it was a tough finals. regards! thanks to all players who participated in the tournament. i would like to end with a ": 'winning is not greater than prticipation'. so congrachulations who participated in the tournament! i hope next time they will do better. gret thing is that Medhansh played tournament first time!

Score: -1

Dernière édition par medhansh, 16.06.2024 11:51

2. Emerald,

Well done Hope you enjoyed and well done also to the bot. Stupid bot is maybe not that stupid and underestimated.

Score: +0

3. medhansh,

he is not a nube

Score: +0

Dernière édition par medhansh, 17.06.2024 10:22

4. glad,

ya we can practice with stupid bot's help

Score: +0

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