Updates and work in progress

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Score: +61

61. Aminiel,

Update of 5th of May 2024

  • New game: Cards against humanity
  • Correction: when a player leaves the table with a game in progress, a bot comes to replace him/her. In some games where it's possible, you can now kick the bot (Ctrl+K) to remove it completely from the game. For the moment only with the following games: uno, farkle, yahtzee, zanzibar, golf, little exam, scrabble, quiz party, cards against humanity

Score: +3

Dernière édition par Aminiel, 05.05.2024 11:06

62. Aminiel,

Update of 7th of June 2024:

  • New system allowing to set up game options more easily and more efficiently (see below).
  • New uno option: advanced responses. You can read the rules pages to know what it is about.
  • Cards against humanity: fixed several errors in the familiy edition card pack, thank to Nikola

A new system allowing to set up game options more easily and more efficiently has been put in place.
Instead of a succession of menus asking questions one by one and asking for most if you wanted or not to activate a given option, a single menu grouping all options is now shown at its place. This gives several advantages and new possibilities:

  • If you have made a misstake choosing one of the options, you no longer need to restart from the beginning and going through all options one by one again.
  • The order of the questions wasn't always very logical, nor coherent from one game to another. From now on, you have an overview of all the available options in a single menu.
  • Some of the options were more or less hidden or unclear, most notably the possibility to define a number of rounds to play instead of a score limit, by entering a small number as the score limit. With the new system, you have now two distinct options to set a score limit and a number of rounds to play, in games where this is possible. If you set both limits, the game will end as soon as any of them is reached.
  • You can now restore default options of the game
  • For most of the options, you can now get a small description of what it does, by pressing D, application key, Shift+F10, or long press on mobile.

For the moment, only 4 games implement this new system: uno, rummy, dominos, fives and threes. All games will progressively switch to this new system.

Have fun!

Score: +4

63. Aminiel,

Update of 14th of July 2024

  • New options system: the update is progressing as announced, but not yet complete
  • The little exam: new game options: unique letter, fixed categories, number of categories, possibility to choose the categories to play with

Score: +1

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