Ninety Nine version?

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Score: +3

1. Nice-2-meet-u,

Hello, I wondered if this 99 game is a different version? I have googled for the rules of this game, and cannot find this particular one. Could it be under a different name? I am familiar with a different style of the game. I am finding I like this version a lot better. :-) It adds a challenge to it.

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


There exists many different versions of the game around the world, and that's perfectly normal for a game played with standard card decks. That's often the case for such games and none can be considered more or less official than the other.

The basics of going out with 99 is always kept, since otherwise it wouldn't be 99, but some rules don't count intermediate steps 33 and 66, and most of the rules only differ by the effects given to particular cards.

For example, the thing with 2s multiplying or dividing the current count is probably quite rare in fact, but I selected it because I found it more fun and challenging than a couple other possible rules.

Score: +4

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